Serge Schmitt's favorite articles

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  • Citations (in French)

    # - # - # Pourquoi un but, hors la joie ? # - # - # « Si Dieu existe, j'espère qu'il a une bonne excuse ! » (Woody Allen) # - # - # « L'absence d'empathie conduit souvent à une monstrueuse innocence » (Boris Cyrulnik) # - # - # « Un bonheur solitaire au sommet d'une montagne qui laisse le monde à son sort est une chose presque dégoûtante. » (Sri Aurobindo). « Un amour est universel ou il n'est pas. » (Erich Fromm) # - # - # Le livre est une arme d'instruction…

  • We do not have good news ... [EN] [FR]

    [EN] In early 2016, we reported the situation ipernity has been facing ( UPTIME 3535 article ), and we were very touched by the great amount of support that article had sparked off. Despite our limited resources, we have done our best to keep the service in good working condition, particularly by exploring several ways to bring ipernity a second life (many thanks to those who suggested ideas). The best option remained to partner with another party who would be able to make the necessar…

  • L'amour, la liberté...

    Un très beau texte sur l'amour et la liberté que j'ai immédiatement adopté quand je l'ai lu il y a environ 25 ans parce qu'il tombait pile dans mes recherches de l'époque. Pour tous, mais particulièrement pour ceux et celles de mes ami(e)s qui ont eu à subir mes saillies sur ces questions qui ne cessent de me traverser. L'amour, le sexe, le pouvoir des hommes, le pouvoir des femmes, le sexisme tant féminin et masculin, « faire un beau mariage » etc. Qu'elles et ils me pardonnent... :-) Ça commence comme une fable...

  • The cloud migration has successfully completed

    Photo credit : CC Roger Feugas [EN] Good news! The migration of the ipernity platform has successfully completed. You are now browsing ipernity from a new powerful cloud which makes ipernity faster - as you may have noticed. We apologize again for the small inconveniences some of you encountered during the migration process. Most of the known bugs have been fixed. It remains some minor problems we are going to solve. Thank you all for your patience and understanding.…

  • Buying a back-up camera (updated)

    small IGP5365
    I'll say right at the start that I love my DSLRs and all the gear that goes with them: lenses, filters, flashes, tripods and so forth. But, to be honest, even just the DSLR with a lens attached can be more bulk around my neck than I'd wish if I'm not heading out specifically to take photos. And, of course, it's a rather conspicuous item if you don't wish to draw attention. So, several years ago, I purchased a little pocket camera. Although it claimed to have some controllability, that pro…

  • To crop or not to crop

    Is it cheating to reframe your picture with a little creative cropping? I don't think so.