If you're like me, when you move house you pack everything into labelled boxes so you have some idea of where things need to go when they reach their new home. Of course, it takes some time to unpack everything and, again if you're like me, years later you find some odd box that you never got round to unpacking and start to wonder why you even wanted the things you put in it...
But things were not so organised when I moved here from f****r. Over there, in a way, my photos were already packed into boxes, aka sets, and the boxes were stacked away in cupboards, aka collections; apart from those that somehow never made it to a set and/or weren't properly tagged...
I began by testing the water here and importing a few of my more recent photos but it wasn't long before I decided to take the plunge, join the club and import all 5k+ of them. At first I thought I'd do it slowly and sort them out as they came across but it became mesmerising watching those batches of 90 assemble themselves at the top of the screen and gradually be wafted away to their new home. In any case, a lot of the sets I had created didn't consist of chronological photos as they were things I was collecting or documenting - like the London street signs that I posted about previously. The batch process stalled every now and then, a few pics didn't make it and I had to search through and find them to re-import but I think I've mostly avoided duplicates and most of the photos I had on f****r are now here.
Do I really want them all here? Will anyone ever look at them? Will I ever re-create all those albums? Time will tell. It's fun taking a look back over photos I took during the 6 or so years I was over there and I am gradually getting them into some sort of order. In the meantime there seems to be a lot of new stuff to post...