Dear MP

The Dangers of the WHO Pandemic Treaty and International Health Regulations

This should be concerning to anyone who calls himself a democrat.

The World Health Organisation is proposing legally binding amendments to their previous regulations (which were simply recommendations), together with a new treaty, which will give them totalitarian control over 194 nation states and the power to suspend national constitutions and human rights and impose measures on the populace without their consent.

It is basically a dictator’s charter being introduced by stealth and claiming absolute power over democratic governments, on the pretext of protecting us against biological threats, with no checks or balances or any ‘stop button’ to remedy abuses.

Under these new regulations, the WHO will have the power to decide what constitutes a public health emergency and what restrictions and medical procedures will be imposed on everyone, without informed consent or debate. The WHO will control the information monopoly, disseminating a ‘single source of truth’ and censoring any opposing views, with no mechanism to challenge their decisions.

They could, if they so wished, order a country’s population to be locked indoors and injected with potentially harmful substances, and the government of that country would be sanctioned if it refused to enforce these orders. Such tyranny could continue into future generations (in the same way that we see with communist regimes), as there would be no legal means of escaping it, and anyone suggesting alternative methods would be silenced and criminalised for spreading ‘disinformation’. It would mean an end to free speech and bodily autonomy, and an open door to abuse of power, with the populace controlled by fear, propaganda and the threat of losing their rights and privileges.

Nobody in their right mind would want such a regime imposed on them, but the mainstream media are not informing us of this pending threat to our liberties, and the average politician is unaware of the danger we are in.

The amendments to the International Health Regulations will come into force next May with no vote in national parliament. We must therefore urge our Prime Minister to send an immediate letter of rejection to the World Health Assembly general director before our once-free nation becomes an autocracy.