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From "Conversations with God - Complete Edition"
Page 353 - 356
by Neale Donald Walsch


That's the best description
of human sexuality,
I've ever heard.
Text from:
"Conversations with God"
complete German edition page 353-356

About 'Becoming- One' in Love

"God" speaks:

"The whole world is in a constant state of energy exchange.
Your energy pushes outwards and touches everything else.
Everything and anything touches you.
But now something interesting happens.
At some point in the middle...
between you and everything else
these energies meet.

Let's face it, in order to describe this more vividly,
two people in a room.
We'll call them Tom and Mary.

Now Tom's personal energy
within a radius of 360 degrees
signals into the universe.
And some of these energy waves
meets Mary.

Mary is now sending out her own energy -
and some of it hits Tom.

But these energies meet in a way,
like you never imagined.
They meet in the middle
between Tom and Mary.

Here the energies unite
( and remember that these energies
are physical phenomena,
they can be measured, felt )
and connect,
to form a new energy unit,
that we want to call "Tomary."
This is the combined energy of Tom and Mary.

Tom and Mary could also use this energy
as the "body between us."
because that's what it is:

An energy body to which both are connected,
both of whom are constantly
nurture the energies flowing into it
and who, by a thread
or a string or a pipline,
which always exists within the matrix,
to its two " sponsors " energies.
(In fact, this "pipline" is the Matrix.)

This experience of "Tomary"
is the truth of Tom and Mary.
And it is this Holy Communion,
that they're both attracted to.
Because they feel, over the pipline,
this great joy
the "body between them",
of the United, the blessed union.

Tom and Mary,
standing at some distance from each other,
- in a physical way - feel,
what's going on inside the Matrix.
Both of them become urgent about this experience
drawn out.
They want to move towards each other!


Now their "training" begins.
The world has educated them,
to take it slow,
to distrust the feeling,
to beware of "injury",
to keep a low profile.

But the soul... wants to meet "Tomary" - now!

If they are lucky,
they are free enough,
put aside their fears
and to trust in it,
that love is all there is.

These two now feel irrevocably
attracted to the "body between them".
TOMARY is already metaphysically experienced,
and Tom and Mary want to do the same now
physical experience.
So they move closer together.
Not to get to each other,
although it would appear so to a casual observer.
In fact, you are trying..,
to get to TOMARY.
They try to reach the place of divine union,
that already exists between them.
The place where they already know
that they are one
- and what it feels like -
- to be one. -

So you are moving towards this "feeling",
they're experiencing, and to that extent,
how they reduce the gap between them,
" shorten the cord",
puts the energy that you both
a shorter distance back
and thus becomes more intense.

They move even closer together.
The shorter the distance, the greater the intensity.
Even closer.
And again the intensity increases.

Now they are only one step away from each other.
The "body in between" glows hot.
It vibrates with tremendous speed.
The connecting line to TOMARY
and from TOMARY to you two
is thicker, wider, brighter and almost burns
by transmitting incredible energy.
The two of them "burning with desire",
as they say.
And indeed they do!
They're getting closer.
Now they're touching.
The sensation is almost unbearable.
It's delicious.
They feel, at the point of their touch,
all the energy of TOMARY -
the whole compact, intimately united substance
of their connected being.

If you open yourself up to your greatest sensitivity,
you can touch
perceive this fine sublime energy as a tingling sensation -
sometimes that tingling sensation
also flow directly through it.
Or you take that energy
at the point of contact as heat,
a heat which also
can flow through your entire body,
but which, deep down inside of you.
in your lower chakra or energy center
is concentrated.

It will burn especially intense there -
- and Tom and Mary are now sort of
" hot " on each other!

Now the two of them hug each other.
and close the gap even more,
...where now all..,
Tom, Mary and Tomary
almost occupy the same space.
Tom and Mary can feel Tomary between them
- and they want to get even closer together -
- they literally want -
with Tomary.
You want to merge Tomary into
physical form.

I've seen in the male and female bodies
created a way to do this.
And at this moment.
Tom and Mary's bodies are ready to do that.
Tom's body is now ready,
in Mary's body literally
to penetrate.
Mary's body is ready,
to literally absorb Tom.

The tingling, the burning, is now more than intense.
It is... indescribable.
The two physical bodies are connecting.
Tom, Mary and Tomary become one.
In the flesh...
There is still energy flowing between them.
Urgent. Passionate.

They wheeze. They move.
They can't get enough of each other,
can't get close enough.
They struggle to get close.

They explode - literally -
and they're twitching all over their bodies.
The vibrations send small waves
into their fingertips.
In the explosion of their oneness.
the god and goddess,
the Alpha and the Omega
the whole and nothing
- the essence of life -
have the-what's-is

They also find
physical and chemical processes take place.
The two have become one
- and often a third entity
in physical form
out of the two of them!

Thus, an image of TOMARY is created.
Flesh from her flesh.
blood from her blood.
They literally
Creating life!

I didn't say that,
that you are Gods? "


Pictures from Albert Jäger
Sculpture "The Lovers" by Ralf Zickermann