"Tory MP David Tilson chided reporters for making a mountain out of a molehill, maintaining that Harper has been "very rigid" about paying his own way to hockey games, even when they're in Ottawa."

Hey I'll chip a few tax dollars to pay for gas to get a car to ScotiaBank place in Ottawa; that seems fair to me. But if he can afford to pay for the fuel the plane requires out of his own pocket then I think his salary is too high... even if one of his companions, Heritage Minister James Moore, went halfsies.

"Harper spokesman Dimitri Soudas said the prime minister is ... paying the equivalent of a commercial airline ticket for himself and [his daughter] Rachel on the Defence Department Challenger jet."
Yeah, but commercial airliners that make those kinds of trips have the advantage of having dozens of passengers all paying at the same time. How much would two tickets be on a private jet? I understand that being the Prime Minister he's not allowed to fly commercial but I also believe he asked for the job he's got (or at least paid well to get it). So he should be prepared to pay the price-tags associated with that position.

In 2006, Harper claimed Liberal ministers "just don't get what real life is like for ordinary Canadians."
Does he?

I look forward to those pictures from the next Vancouver game Prime Minister!