I'm not really what you'd call a Star Trek fan. I've watched episodes of the original series, and I used to regularly watch the Next Generation. I never got into DS9 or Voyager, and I never delved into the extended universe. I thought it pertinent to mention this before getting into the movie, which even though came out a year ago I just got around to watching this past weekend.

I enjoyed it a lot! I didn't mind that they screwed with the history; at least they did it in a way that comes right out and admits it. They didn't do it in a way that was subtle, like they were going to sneak one by the Trekkies.

The pacing was also great. The movie kept moving forward, and something interesting was always happening on screen. Overall the cast was well put together, but I thought Zachary Quinto did the best job with his portrayal of Spock. Simon Pegg was also a pleasant surprise as Scotty. Although Karl Urban did a good job as McCoy, at times it felt like he was doing an impression of the character more than being the character; and the guy that played Chekov had the cheesy accent down, but just didn't look right to me. Nothing wrong with mixing it up I suppose.

Lots of great action that I thought fit the world appropriately, and was refreshing to watch.