I got cracking this week and started kitting out the blocks for May's Crazy Quilt Journal and Bead Journal projects. All kitted up and ready to start on Thursday (Note to self --- I'm behind again already!)!

A Take a Stitch Tuesday pair of stitches arrived in my inbox Tuesday ad while I am "always" kitted up for that assignment, I haven't started yet - haven't even printed it out yet! (still further behind!)

And the second installment in the round Roll Your Own mandalas arrived last week. Printed out and in the stack to work on (yet further behind!)

Can you see a pattern here?

But I did get in some stitching! I finished blocks 6 and seven of "Save the Stitches", that blackwork SAL from Elizabeth Almond.

(Of course, blocks 8 and 9 will likely land in my inbox as I post this!).

And I am almost finished with color #3 of the first color set for the second Roll Your Own mandala, "Reloaded":

Oh, and the tulips are blooming!