This month's "assignment" --- "Introduce yourself, your projects, and any goals you have for the year!"

Seems easy enough until I try to write them down!

Who am I? I am a retired environmental scientist who has been stitching since the 1960s. I started out with knitting, moved on to crewel embroidery, graduated to needlepoint and then cross stitch and have since branched out to blackwork, freehand embroidery, bead embroidery and crazy quilting. Constantly trying to break out of my box but not quite making it for long: cross stitch is my "thing" and I keep coming back to it!

My projects? Hmmm, you can see what I have done in years past in my albums on this page and so far this year, I have completed one quilt, one beaded ornament, one crazy quilt block, and one blackwork picture. The crazy quilt block and the beaded ornament are for an ongoing challenge from the Crazy Quilt Journal Proejct and Bead Journal Project challenges respectively. Other wise, I stitch as I feel...

My goals? Well, here is definitely a goal to keep up with the Crazy Quilt Journal Project and the Bead Journal Project. I have a large piece I want to do with patterns from InkCircles called "Roll Your Own", which was an online SAL which has now moved to Facebook. In addition, I keep signing up for online classes! there are two from last year I haven't even started yet: A stitch guide primer and a needlepoint background stitch booklet, both form Janet Perry. And this year I signed up for a series of "finishing" classes from Funk & Weber... And, in order to stay connected to my cross-stitch love, I do have several UFOs in my stash as well as several kitted out pieces that I would dearly love to stitch.