Maeluk's most appreciated articles

  • Reposting

    - 2 favorites
    I downloaded a lot of full size photos from Ipernity when the 100 gig cap was introduced. I did miss having them on Ipernity so this week i have been reducing the size of the photos and posting them back into Ipernity. The process is now complete and I have the photos back on Ipernity. They are all in albums and I find it easier to look for albums when I want to find a photo. I hope I will be able to get out now with my camera and start to add new photos this week.

  • What to do...

    - 1 favorite
    I am a week away from my club membership finishing and its time to renew but I don't know if it is wise to renew with the current situation, I would if there were a three month subscription. I think its the wisest to wait and renew when we are all in control. I wonder what happens if I keep posting photographs without club membership I know I will only see up to 200 images but will the older photos delete or just be hidden ?

  • Download progress

    - 1 favorite
    I have removed 8000 photos from Ipernity and I have 4,700 full size photographs still to remove. I have found a way to save photos in Photoshop at 25% of the normal size so that is going to be my normal post size once I have my full size photographs saved to my external hard drives. I hope the downloading process will not take too long now.

  • My PC has gone down

    - 1 favorite
    Unfortunately, my laptop has used up all its spare capacity in its c drive and is now giving me a lot of trouble, I cannot convert raw files to go into Photoshop. I have ordered a new laptop which will be here before the 2nd of August but till then I shall be having trouble getting photos up into Ipernity,. I shall try an old computer till my next laptop arrives but I'm not hopeful.