A few days have passed since I started committing images to ipernity. It remains a haven from a Flickr which might not yet have stopped changing but those few days have been long enough to raise a few minor concerns. The lack of views is very tough after the breadth of the Flickr community. I find myself choosing - or not choosing - groups very carefully as I am not entirely happy with the content of some or the way some synopses are written. The mapping function is very odd too. The relative lack of sophistication of the address database means that it does not come up with ridiculous inaccuracies (like Flickr) but, on the other hand, there are many key place names it can not find even though they are prominently displayed on the map itself and and also correctly shown once the tag has been applied. That makes geotagging rather tedious. Teething problems and a matter of perspective, I suppose. There is a sort of charm to ipernity's low-key approach.