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Publication date  /  2017  /  September   -   5 articles

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  • Pipe Dream

    - 03 Sep 2017 - 5 comments
    Bearing in mind I’m thinking of moving away from this area, I’ve been looking at alternatives, and jokingly suggested to my son that maybe living in a trailer, or Park Home as they’re called in the UK, would be a cheaper way of living. I’ve looked at a

  • Exhausted!

    - 13 Sep 2017 - 5 comments
    It’s Wednesday, and so far this week, I’ve driven up to the Midlands twice, both times so that my son could take part in mandatory on the job training for his job on campus. I didn’t begrudge doing it, however I’ve stated that if I still live in Wales,

  • Jumping Ship

    - 17 Sep 2017 - 4 comments
    After months of packing and planning, the Deckhand has finally jumped ship, albeit for just a term at a time. To spread the cost, I’ve been buying things such as saucepans, bedding, a duvet and so on over the past few months. I hate to think how much this

  • Pirates, and Alarms

    - 20 Sep 2017 - 9 comments
    Yesterday, whilst walking the Ship’s Dog, I espied the sign of the skull and crossbones – no joke. Pirates about! Luckily, I had my pistol on me, and my cutlass was tucked inside my long heavy coat. We warily walked past the sign, keeping our eyes peeled

  • University Life, or Strife

    - 24 Sep 2017 - 8 comments
    One week on, and the Deckhand has been experiencing ‘teething’ problems with his on-site house share. We Skyped the one day for over an hour, and he seemed quite angry about it all, and a bit lonely. Fresher’s week was a bust as far as he was concerned,