Early hours of Tuesday we had a tremendous storm. The lightning woke me at 3am and I stood at the window watching it for about 30 minutes. I’ve never seen so much lightning! The thunder was tremendous and even woke my son – he could sleep through a bomb blast. I swear the storm settled almost over my house and didn’t move for the next 3 hours. Sadly, we had very little rain and when I walked the dog it was like a Turkish Bath – hot, steamy, damp, and very muggy. The ground has already dried out and you wouldn’t know we’d had any rain at all. I barely slept after 3am due to the continuous flashes and rumblings. I’ll be main lining coffee today lol.

In other news, I visited my sister in hospital yesterday afternoon. She’d had a bad morning and was very tearful when they told her she couldn’t go home Monday. By the afternoon she was in good spirits and her daughter and I took her for a ‘walk’ in a wheelchair so that she could get some fresh air. This morning (Tuesday) she rang to tell me she was being allowed to go home today so she’s really pleased. She has a friend who’ll stay with her for at least a week so she’ll be well looked after, and I may take a day off here and there just to make sure she’s resting lots.The only think that irked me with the hospital was that I used the ladies loo. Now this is a hospital, it’s supposed to encourage and support cleanliness yet 2 soap dispensers were missing, and I had to try a further 3 before I got any soap to wash my hands. I used the sanitizer before and after I left the ward, but you’d think they’d have a good supply of soap in the loo.

In other amazing news, a woman gave birth to a baby. It was stupendous and has never happened before, and will probably never happen again. After all, it’s not like women have babies every day is it? That’s all I’ll say on the matter…