... It's back to work on Wednesday. It's been a nice break. I didn't do anything specific, abondoned ideas of a day out - bad weather in the main, though it was good. I had a nice haircut. I've been growing out the layers, growing it longer, though in truth it no longer suits me. My hair is fine, going grey - obviously lol, and all I do is tie it up and get a headache to boot, so off with it! I had about 1.5 inches off, layers put back in, and I'm much happier with it. I can, only just, tie it into a small ponytail though for work I can now wear it loose due to, lack of, length, or just tie the sides up to keep it from my face.

I've done some batch cooking: turkey meatballs, kofta, and beef caserole. I usually buy beef pieces and just make enough for one meal. This time, I bought a piece of beef and cut it myself as it was cheaper. Divided it into 3, froze one portion, then cooked 2 lots; one for dinner, one for the freezer. It took slightly longer than usual, though we now have an easy meal for another day that can simply be heated on the hob. Long term, it will have saved me some money, however I won't cut my own pieces again; Tuesday, and my shoulders and wrist are still sore from the effort. I'm getting old LMAO

My son and I like the idea of mince pies however in the main, they often disappoint; pastry too dry, too little filling. The jars of mincemeat you can buy don't look much better, so I've made my own. It looks great, tasted good, then I added brandy, and it's soooo good lol. I plan to make a mincemeat lattice one day using home made rough puff pastry that I saw being made on TV. The mincemeat has to 'prove' for a few weeks, then I'll be in the kitchen.

Oh, I cleaned plant saucers too. Most of the smaller plants were drowning from too much rain so I removed their saucers. After looking at them, and thinking they make the garden look untidy, I cleaned them, dried them, and I've put them away. I have another batch to clean though they can wait for a nicer day. I don't bother removing the saucers from the big plants; even if my son helps me, it's too big a job as the plants are heavy.

So, that's about it. On the political front - look away now lol - it was gratifying to see that the Tories have done a u-turn on scrapping the higher rate of tax. Giving the rich a tax break whilst the rest of us are struggling, and stating that you're cutting public services and going after people on benefits, to fund it is simply not acceptable. It's gratifying too, to see a petition calling for a general election has reached over half a million signatures. You can only push people so far...

Enjoy the rest of the week, I shall be working hard.