Colin Ashcroft's groups

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Public groups in which Colin Ashcroft is a member



    Created 3 years ago

    Very sad to announce Andy has just left us. He was a gentle soul, very loved and cheered here as in real life. Rest in peace my very dear friend… In this group we will keep your memory alive with our contributions.

  • UK & Ireland Landscapes

    UK & Ireland Landscapes

    Created 11 years ago

    Please join and post your images of the Mountains, Hills, Valleys and Levels of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Images may include Cities, Towns and Villages, and the Coastline. April 2014 - E2A - Detailed close ups of features may be accepted at the discretion of the administrator. Commenting is not compulsory, but would be much appreciated.

  • UK Landscape Photography

    UK Landscape Photography

    Created 15 years ago

    This is a group for posting beautiful photos of the UK landscape. You are welcome to post up to two photos a day here but please try to avoid multiple captures of the same scene at the same time.

  • VERY Best of Birds

    VERY Best of Birds

    Created 8 years ago Le meilleur de la photographie d'oiseaux ... The very best of bird photography ... Das Allerbeste der Vogelfotografie... Il meglio della fotografia di uccelli … PAS d'oiseaux à la mangeoire ! PAS d'oiseaux sur des sites de dressage ! PAS d'oiseaux en cage! PAS d'oiseaux en enclos ! UNIQUEMENT les oiseaux en pleine nature avec une belle pose ou en vol , sans vue plongeante ou contre plongée et maintenant en plus un cadrage en règle c'est pour aller vers…

  • Virtual EXPLORE ...

    Virtual EXPLORE ...

    Created 7 years ago

    In here, we all can post photos that we 'really think are EXPLORE worthy' .. If you see one that fits, ask the person who posted it to add to our Virtual EXPLORE Group .. We need to make these wonderful photos posted for all to see ! Will kick out any adverts ... just sayin' ...... If the Administrator or Moderator are unable to leave comments due to settings, these photos you wish to share in here -- will be removed after 2 days of their pos…

  • Whatever the Weather

    Whatever the Weather

    Created 9 years ago

    Pictures depicting weather events, such as rain, snow, storm clouds etc. This is not a group for sunrise/sunset, nor is it a group for seasons. No black and white photos No people in the picture - this is for weather events only

  • World Photography Day        -        August 19

    World Photography Day - August 19

    Created 3 years ago

    World Photography Day is an annual, worldwide celebration of the art, craft, science and history of photography. This group is a place for ipernity club members to participate in that celebration by sharing what they consider their best photo, their most special photo, the photo that means the most to them taken on August 19th.