Fallnetöm's groups

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Public groups in which Fallnetöm is a member

  • Cologne


    Created 16 years ago

    This group is for all photos that show places worth seeing in Cologne.

  • Träume - dreams - rêves

    Träume - dreams - rêves

    Created 13 years ago

    Jeder von uns hat Träume. Es gibt schöne Träume und weniger schöne Träume. Bunte Träume und farblose Träume. Träume sind Schäume, können aber ebensogut auch in Erfüllung gehen. Lasst uns an euren Träumen teilhaben. Setzt eure Träume in Bilder um und zeigt sie uns. Damit die Gruppe nicht zu unübersichtlich wird und man genügend Zeit hat sich in die Träume der anderen hineinzuträumen, bitte nur ein "Traumbild" pro Tag hier einstellen. Wir freuen uns auf eure Träume!

  • Western Australia

    Western Australia

    Created 11 years ago

    This group is for images of Western Australia. ***The photos must be taken in the state of Western Australia***. The group is not just for photographers or people that live in Western Australia, it is also for visitors or tourists that have been to and taken photos of Western Australia. So if you have any photos from Western Australia please post them in our group. Just to clarify "Western Australia:" is only one state of Australia, The photos posted must be your own original works. Just to cla…

  • ~ Critters In Flight ~

    ~ Critters In Flight ~

    Created 10 years ago

    ~ Critters In Flight ~ Welcome to the group Flight Crew! Please only add shots of Flights or wings open. Please add comments and encouragement to others shots within the group and join in on our discussions, above all enjoy!!

  • PiP ★ Picture in Picture

    PiP ★ Picture in Picture

    Created 16 years ago

    All kind of photos except of the following: Erotic, fetish, violence or other adult oriented content. Add a note to your picture to provide a magnified detail of your original image. This could be another shot, showing a closer view or another point of view as well. SORRY, with the new Ipernity rules it only works for Club-Members! Prepare two (or more) versions of your image: The complete view and a magnified detail. This detail should be up to a wide of 560 pixels. Upload both pictures…



    Created 15 years ago

    Collecter des photos si possible pas trop détournées par des traitements abusifs, à moins qu'elles ne soient considérées comme chef d'oeuvres par vos contacts (plus de 400 visites pour une carte de voeux par exemple ) Les membres deviennent automatiquement modérateurs. Ceci leur permet de proposer directement des documents qu'ils souhaitent associer au groupe ou d'inviter des amis. L'administrateur n'est que l'initiateur du groupe. C'est la confiance qui est prépondérente. Pour éviter un trop…

  • Micro 4/3rds Photography

    Micro 4/3rds Photography

    Created 11 years ago

    To enjoy the photography of Micro 4/3rds photographers in any genre' (expect Nudes). And any Micro 4/3rds camera. ... There is no limit on daily submissions, and no waiting period for your photography to be posted. I am not here to judge your work as "Acceptable" for posting. If you feel that a photograph has merit for others to enjoy, please post it here. ... I would like you to post your best work though. And since we all at different levels of expertise, there will be no judging on my par…

  • CologneMeetingGroup


    Created 16 years ago

    Zur Unterstützung von Ipernity Treffen in Köln. This group is focused on organizing meetings in Köln to make people in touch and to have fun. Pictures posted here will be about Group meetings. Simple rules: Photos not concerning this group will be taken away from the pool. Please join us.

  • surreality


    Created 16 years ago

    Surrealism. Philosophy. Surrealism is based on the belief in the superior reality of certain forms of previously neglected associations, in the omnipotence of dream, in the disinterested play of thought. It tends to ruin once and for all other psychic mechanisms and to substitute itself for them in solving all the principal problems of life.

  • Wonderful Flowers

    Wonderful Flowers

    Created 11 years ago

    ི♥ྀAll Wonderful Flowers are Welcome ི♥ྀ PLEASE! ONLY USE THE CODE PROVIDED...NOT THE OLD CODES! S'IL VOUS PLAÎT! UTILISER UNIQUEMENT LE CODE FOURNI ... PAS les anciens codes! BITTE! NUR Kodex vorgesehene ... nicht die alte Codes! ...



    Created 13 years ago

    Photos of nature: plants, flowers, fruits, vegetables, trees, sea, rivers, forest, gardens, parks, mountains, animals, wildlife,etc... NOT MAN MADE THINGS, such as buildings, cars, roads, etc, or art work. Pictures that don't fit the purpose of the group will be removed without warning! The group does not condone trawling for comments and does not advertise other sites or groups. The use graphics / links / references to other sites in comments is prohibited by Ipernity (See Ipernity group gui…



    Created 11 years ago

    Pictures of Nature: Landscapes with sea, beach, rivers, trees, animals, people, plants, flowers...NOT MAN MADE THINGS, such as buildings, cars, roads, etc... Pictures that don't fit the purpose of the group will be removed without warning! As I'm not still 100% recovered from my last surgery, appreciate if you keep an eye in the group and let me know if you see something wrong! Thank you!!! Photos de Nature: Paysages avec la mer, la plage, les rivières, les arbres, les animaux, les gens, le…

  • Old windows and doors

    Old windows and doors

    Created 16 years ago

    The collection of photos of old windows and doors and their accessories

  • black/white & and a smudge of colour

    black/white & and a smudge of colour

    Created 16 years ago

    Please, add only images in b/w with a smudge of colour (colourkey)! NO pure b/w images and NO pure colour images! If somebody poste such images we will delete them. THANKS! Please NO: Erotic, fetish, violance or other adult oriented content..



    Created 11 years ago

    POSE LONGUE ;TEMPS D' EXPOSITION SUPERIEUR A 1 SECONDE): ------------------------------ MER,LAC,ETANG ( sans les rivières et les cascades) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- this is a group/place for shots with 1 sec exp, or more ; SEA,LAC only

  • °°° from BETELGEUZE °°°

    °°° from BETELGEUZE °°°

    Created 14 years ago

    aliens - strange lifeforms - dark appearances ........ https://www.ipernity.com/group/betelgeuze

  • Long exposures

    Long exposures

    Created 16 years ago

    Dedicated to all you "long exposure"-lovers :-) Be welcome to add you long exposure shot here!

  • Venedig, Venice, Venise, Venezia

  • " The absurd "

    " The absurd "

    Created 16 years ago

    What, then, is that incalculable feeling that deprives the mind of the sleep necessary to life? A world that can be explained even with bad reasons is a familiar world. But, on the other hand, in a universe suddenly divested of illusions and lights, man feels an alien, a stranger. His exile is without remedy since he is deprived of the memory of a lost home or the hope of a promised land. This divorce between man and his life, the actor and his setting, is properly the feeling of absurdity.…

  • Maritim Atmosphere

    Maritim Atmosphere

    Created 14 years ago

    Maritim moods: Ocean, sand, boats, roaps, fishing nets, gulls, shells, beach, lighthouses, beach chairs, anchors, sails, quays, bollards, and so on… Please, NO images of nude beach! Please, NO cargo ships, freighter, cruise liners - therefor other groups! Thank you!