kurakongolia's groups

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Public groups in which kurakongolia is a member

  • Australian Insects & Spiders

    Australian Insects & Spiders

    Created 10 years ago

    A group to showcase Australian insects and spiders. No moths or butterflies, please. There is a group already formed covering Australian lepidoptera.

  • Eyre Peninsula, South Australia.

    Eyre Peninsula, South Australia.

    Created 11 years ago

    I am particularly interested in the natural world; landscapes and the indigenous flora and fauna they support. It isn't intended as a "happy snaps" collection of family members enjoying a picnic, for example; though others might demur at that exclusion? Images of rural South Australia's people / places and daily activities that might assist in understanding the many diverse communities would seem to be important inclusions, but again .. I am just testing the water here. National and Conservat…