Jean Marie Bailly's groups

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Public groups in which Jean Marie Bailly is an administrator

Public groups in which Jean Marie Bailly is a moderator

  • Provence Patrimoine

    Provence Patrimoine

    Created 13 years ago

    Tout ce qui concerne le patrimoine de la Provence; villes et villages, rues et ruelles, maisons typiques, églises et chapelles, fontaines et lavoirs, outils, costumes, défilé, fêtes, etc... pourvu que ce soit provençal ! Merci d'indiquer la ville ou le village où a été prise la photo !

  • The Expression-Express

    The Expression-Express

    Created 11 years ago

    Challenging, stimulating and quirky. Around tracks and stations. Off the beaten track. Focused on photographic insight, experience. Captured in images. Sometimes real glimpses of the railway. A touch eccentric and sometimes lighthearted. All around the track. Mostly carefree in search of surprise in the rhythm of everyday life. Dare to be surprised here? Here you are on the trail of challenge. Get on board the Image Express and join in!

Public groups in which Jean Marie Bailly is a member