Indycaver (Norm)'s groups

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Public groups in which Indycaver (Norm) is an administrator

Public groups in which Indycaver (Norm) is a member

  • Pontiac Cars

    Pontiac Cars

    Created 11 years ago

    The American car company.

  • Vintage House-Proud People

    Vintage House-Proud People

    Created 8 years ago

    Vintage photographs of "house-proud" people from the 1800s to 1979. Post photos from your collection that show people posing in front of their homes. Each photo should include the exterior of a house and one or more people. Photos of house-proud people and their houses will ideally convey the idea of "here's where we live" or "here's what our house looks like" or "our new house." Images that show an entire house—or a good portion of it—are especially encouraged so that we can see the types and…

  • Station Wagons

    Station Wagons

    Created 10 years ago

    The purpose of this group is to remember the Station Wagon and what it stands for - hauling around families and lots of groceries! Pictures of old or new station wagons, sport wagons, woodie wagons or whatever you've got are welcome here!

  • My Camera Collection

    My Camera Collection

    Created 11 years ago

    Show off your cameras - whether it be your first camera, your favorite camera - or all your cameras. No limits, post as many pictures as you like featuring cameras. But, please, every picture must have at least one camera or a camera-related subject as the main theme. There are no daily limits on the amount of photos you can post. If you want to post 50 pictures of cameras, all you'll get is "Oohs" and "Ahhs." The more camera pictures, the merrier.

  • Yashica TLR

    Yashica TLR

    Created 16 years ago

    A group for photos made with a Yashica Twin Lens Reflex camera. The banner is made from parts of the original manual.

  • Vintage Photos Theme Park

    Vintage Photos Theme Park

    Created 11 years ago

    Every week, there will be a new theme. Post only one vintage photo (1800s-1979) from your collection that fits the theme. Tell us a little about it, like why you picked it (if it is not obvious), or where you purchased it, etc. I will pick some common themes, but will also try to throw in some strange ones just to keep things interesting. I look forward to seeing your photos!

  • Kit, Component and Replica Cars

    Kit, Component and Replica Cars

    Created 10 years ago

    This group is specifically intended to showcase the many kit, component and replica cars that have been produced over the years, especially during the 20th Century. Photos can feature standard, modified or even performance models. My own knowledge of the industry is limited and restricted to the UK market, so I'll be relying on those who contribute from overseas to ensure that any photos posted are relevant to the group. Please also note that this is intended to be a family friendly group so b…

  • Pontiac cars all-dressed !  /  Les autos Pontiac de ce monde.

    Pontiac cars all-dressed ! / Les autos Pontiac de ce monde.

    Created 11 years ago

    Ici nous sommes au Royaume de la Pontiac au travers des âges. Welcome at Pontiac Kingdom !