daoanzigeNiedabaya's groups

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Public groups in which daoanzigeNiedabaya is a member

  • Leica M (Film Only)

    Leica M (Film Only)

    Created 11 years ago

    Post pictures shot with any Leica M film camera. Limited to five photos per day.

  • Darkroom Prints

    Darkroom Prints

    Created 10 years ago

    Group is closed - no active members

  • Adox MCC

    Adox MCC

    Created 10 years ago

    Vergrößerungen auf dem Agfa MCC Nachfolgepapier: Adox MCC. Vergrößerungen, Tonungsmöglichkeiten und sonstige Laborkünste sind ausdrücklich erwünscht.

  • Black and White

    Black and White

    Created 16 years ago

    All about black and white photography. Black and White only (means: no color-toned monochrome!), please. Moderated. Please no fetish, violance or similar content! We do not tolerate pictures with badges between the comments. Thanks. As said: moderated and limited ;)

  • " A characteristic facial appearance "

    " A characteristic facial appearance "

    Created 8 years ago

    characteristic-facial.group.ipernity.com Die seelischen Eigenschaften eines Menschen :Freude, Wut, Ekel, Furcht, Verachtung, Traurigkeit und Überraschung. The psychological characteristics of a person :Happyness, anger, disgust, fear, disdain, sadness and astonishment. Les caractéristiques psychologiques d'une personne: Joie, la colère, le dégoût, la peur, le mépris, la tristesse et la surprise. Le caratteristiche psicologiche di una persona: Gioia, rabbia, disgusto, paura, il disprezzo, la tr…

  • In memoriam Josef Sudek

    In memoriam Josef Sudek

    Created 10 years ago

    Sicht, Stimmung, Licht, Dunkelheit - von den Arbeiten Josef Sudek inspiriert und sie fortsetzend. Josef Sudek: If someone you love dies on you, it bothers you of course. But after a while you find out that he didn't completely die. Suddenly you see he's somehow alive in something. We don't know why that is. But that's the way it is with a tree too. When it dies and sheds its leaves or needles, it becomes a statue. And it suggests something to you....Don't try and photograph things only as they…

  • Bavaria


    Created 16 years ago

    Welcome to this group that shows the picturesque landscapes of Bavaria, its idyllic villages and lively towns, their characteristic architecture and culture. Discover popular excursion destinations and experience the customs of the Bavarian people. In addition to current photos, historical photos are also welcome. Give your images meaningful titles and descriptions, and include GEO data so that the location can be explored on the map.

  • Ilford


    Created 16 years ago

    Do you use ilford products ? show us then !

  • 6x6 in schwarz - weiß

    6x6 in schwarz - weiß

    Created 11 years ago

    Analoge Mittelformatfotografie auf schwarz/weiß Negativfilm (hier bitte ohne Tonungen, so toll sie mitunter sind). Wer seine Liebe daran gefunden hat, ist herzlich willkommen, bei zu treten.

  • Cultural Landscapes/Tirluniau Diwylliannol

    Cultural Landscapes/Tirluniau Diwylliannol

    Created 11 years ago

    This is a group for LANDSCAPES + THE MARK OF MAN - generally NOT for TOWN & CITY or WILDERNESS shots, although distant views of towns etc. may be deemed suitable. Landscape is taken as being "A picture depicting an EXPANSE OF SCENERY and an aspect, or aspects, of the land characteristic of a particular region" "There exist a great variety of Landscapes that are representative of the different regions of the world. Combined works of nature and humankind, they express a long and intimate relati…

  • Fine Art Landscape Photography

    Fine Art Landscape Photography

    Created 11 years ago

    This group is for Landscape/Cityscape photos only. Photos that don`t meet this criteria will be removed.

  • The Wet Darkroom

    The Wet Darkroom

    Created 11 years ago

    Holden Richards (a group admin) says: 12 Oct 09 - I really appreciate the quality of what is offered here, keep up the great work! This is a group celebrating printing from the traditional wet darkroom process. Thanks for adding scans of your finished prints to the pool. These are all excellent! Welcome to new members!

  • Moersch Chemistry

    Moersch Chemistry

    Created 11 years ago

    Show pictures that were developed (negative, positive, tinting) using Moersch Photochemie or discuss about the products and using them.

  • Win-Win Support Reloaded

    Win-Win Support Reloaded

    Created 11 years ago

    Ziel dieser Gruppe ist Wissensvermittlung, mindestens ein Arbeitsschritt muß analog erfolgt sein. Der Beitritt zur Gruppe unterliegt keinen Regeln, es können jedoch nur Arbeiten veröffentlicht werden, die eingeladen wurden. Was ich sehen möchte, sind exemplarische Arbeiten für folgende Themen: Außerordendlich gute oder ungewöhnliche Bildgestaltung Licht und Beleuchtung Kontrastbeherrschung Beispielhafte Film/Entwickler-Kombinationen Beispielhafte (vorzugsweise) analoge Ausarbeitung, Papier, Ent…