William Sutherland's groups

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Public groups in which William Sutherland is a member

  • VITRO KAJ KRISTALO...Vidrio y cristal...

    VITRO KAJ KRISTALO...Vidrio y cristal...

    Created 12 years ago

    Ĉiuj dokumentoj kun travidebla kolora kristalo aŭ similaĵoj kaj kelkaĵoj ne travideblaj ankaŭ, nure la plej belaj bildoj... Todos los documentos con cristales de colores transparentes o cosas parecidas y algunas no transparentes tambièn, sòlo las màs bellas imàgenes...

  • Lighthouses


    Created 17 years ago

    LIghthouses from all around the world. This group is about anything to do with lighthouses, the keepers, the stations themselves, fresnel lenses, lamp & reflector systems, lighthouse museums, etc. Please name the lighthouse, whenever possible - Thanks

  • " Dites-le avec des fleurs "

    " Dites-le avec des fleurs "

    Created 8 years ago


  • Bokeh


    Created 12 years ago

    Photographs that blur bokeh or grant them a special beauty, poetic, "creamy" dream, immaterial. Become blur visual orgy.

  • City Shots

    City Shots

    Created 10 years ago

    This group is only for photos taken within city limits and must portray either , buildings, streets, people, construction sites, transport, street scape, city scape as long as it is in the city.So even if you have graffiti, or your own creative city themed artwork, then this group is for you. This group covers a lot of different types of photography from coloured, HDR, Black and White etc, etc. Do not post images of plants, animals, pets, insects etc, etc as they will be removed.

  • Buildings


    Created 17 years ago

    A group dedicated to each kind of buildings. Old Buildings are preferred, but new buildings are fine, too



    Created 10 years ago

    Tous les supports sont possibles y compris le Digital et les montages. Mais : pas trop de neige S.V.P. sinon le groupe s'appellerait autrement !!! Cela vous tente ? .... alors : GO ... All the supports(media) are possible including the Digital and the assemblies(editings). But: not too much snow please otherwise the group would be called otherwise(differently)!!! It tempts you? Then : GO...

  • ENSEMBLE, c'est tout..... / TOGETHER, just it....

    ENSEMBLE, c'est tout..... / TOGETHER, just it....

    Created 13 years ago

    - Ou des relations entre les êtres vivants... - Connivence, symbiose, complicité...Au travers de photos ou de créations digitales personnelles - Trois images du même auteur au plus / jour - Pas d'image qui pourrait choquer -Relations between living beings -Symbiosis, connive, bond -Through own pictures and (or) digital works -Nothing shocking in any way please

  • Catching a leaf

    Catching a leaf

    Created 11 years ago

    Pictures of leaves or petals.

  • " Art-Foto-Einfach & Genial "

    " Art-Foto-Einfach & Genial "

    Created 9 years ago

    fotoart-einfach-genial.group.ipernity.com Zitat von Andreas Feininger: "Technik allein ist wertlos, solange sie nicht durch die Kunst ersetzt wird" Gefragt sind Foto - Motive, welche zum Nachdenken anregen und einen bleibenden Eindruck hinterlassen. Fototechnische Geschicklichkeit und Einbildungskraft stehen im Vordergrund. Sehr Wichtig ist , dass der Fotograf seinem Foto einen aussagekräftigen Titel gibt.

  • I ♥ Nature

    I ♥ Nature

    Created 11 years ago

    Isn't nature amazing....ALL OF IT !!!! ;) This group is devoted to the beauty of NATURE !! NO people. Not a requirement but it would be lovely if you took the time to comment on someone else's photo. "To photograph is to hold one's breath, when all faculties converge to capture fleeting reality. It's at that precise moment that mastering an image becomes a great physical and intellectual joy." - Henri Cartier-Bresson

  • Objects of desire-Gadgets

    Objects of desire-Gadgets

    Created 15 years ago

    Any item,gadget or thing we love too much and offers pleasure to us or it is so useful to us we can't live without it..!!Personal things we love to wear or use or desire but not have and we would like to possess(our beloved watches,sunglasses,jewellery,hats,cameras,moblie phones,komboloi,hobby items,cars,bicycles,motorbikes..etc) Even favourite food,sweets or drinks that we desire too much..!!Please no persons or animals..!!!

  • Ethnography of the modern world

    Ethnography of the modern world

    Created 11 years ago

    This group involves connect ethnographic photographs of the modern world

  • 500-999 visits

    500-999 visits

    Created 16 years ago

    Pics with more than 499 visitis and less than 1000.

  • Macro - Makro - Close-up views

  • Are we trash people?

    Are we trash people?

    Created 9 years ago

    peopletrash.group.ipernity.com How are we going to deal with our waste?

  • The Unappreciated Toilet

    The Unappreciated Toilet

    Created 17 years ago

    Where would we be without the toilet. Well... Get out your camera and show your appreciation for that bathroom, toilet, sink or bidet! Bathrooms around the globe are welcome too! Comments are welcome but not necessary.

  • Triptych


    Created 17 years ago

    A Triptych is a picture thats divided into three sections. It can be composed of three single photos or arise out of a structure.

  • Saving the planet

  • Auto Focus ( Post / 1 Comment / 5 )

    Auto Focus ( Post / 1 Comment / 5 )

    Created 11 years ago

    Thank You For Joining Us And Welcome To Auto Focus ( Post / 1 Comment / 5 ) RULES: 1. Please post Anything in this group 2. Please do not repost the same picture or you will be banned. 3. If you Post 1 picture please Comment on 5. ONLY USE COMMENT CODE BELOW 4. If you post a picture and run you will be banned. SWEEPER IS ON