Ronald Schmidt's groups

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Public groups in which Ronald Schmidt is a member

  • Nackt in freier Natur

    Nackt in freier Natur

    Created 11 years ago

    Naturismus als Naturerlebnis. Als Naturist erlebt man unbekleidet körperliche Freiheit in der Natur. Diese Bilder sollen den Betrachter in das persönliche Erleben dieser Freiheit einbeziehen. Dazu muß man die abgelichtete Person auch als solche wahrnehmen.

  • No censorship

    No censorship

    Created 14 years ago

    Sneaking and unperceived by many, censorship has found its way into ipernity. Suspended accounts are becoming more and more commonplace these days – a fate that has not only affected members presenting frontal nudity, but also those who displayed works of art which were the outcome of hours, days and years worth of creative deliberation. In any case, censorship must not be tolerated. Especially not on a platform which, two years ago, had no qualms actively touting itself as the cosmopolit…