Peter G's groups

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Public groups in which Peter G is a member

  • Selective & Conceptual DoF

    Selective & Conceptual DoF

    Created 16 years ago

    The Depth of Field (DoF) is a powerful tool that allows to express concepts, ideas, abstractions or just to focus on beauty or something special. It allows to highlight a point of view or another one! Show us your use of DoF to express concepts, highlight ideas or just show a different point of view! Images posted here MUST have a significant DoF. It may be shallow or wider. Don't necessarily have to be a very shallow depth of field, but there must be a clear focus point, and a cle…

  • " - The Fantastic Monochromes - "

    " - The Fantastic Monochromes - "

    Created 11 years ago

    A Group only for black and white photos.

  • When there's light, there's hope

  • Monochrome Photography

    Monochrome Photography

    Created 16 years ago

    With the photos you should have thought something in terms of composition, processing, artistic, artful, etc. Always quality before quantity - the quality has to be right... We mainly encounter monochrome images in black-and-white photography. Basically, monochrome just means mono for "one" and chroma for "color". But not only images in black and its nuances are meant: the tint in a certain color is also referred to as monochrome Monochrome to any color is also accepted.

  • Your Shock Photos

    Your Shock Photos

    Created 12 years ago

    Your shock photos is a generalist group, we accept all types of documents, no pornographic photos

  • Natur in Schwarz & Weiß / Nature en noir et blanc

    Natur in Schwarz & Weiß / Nature en noir et blanc

    Created 11 years ago

    Nature in Black & White / Natur Photos in Schwarz & Weiß/ Nature en noir et blanc / Natura in bianco e nero Bitte keine Menschen / S'il vous plaît pas de personnes / Please no people/ Nessun popolo Nur Aussenaufnahmen / Only exterior shots / Seuls les plans extérieurs / Solo riprese esterne no building; keine Gebäude, aucun bâtiment, nessun edificio, Verletzung der Regel, bewirkt das das Bild gelöscht wird.. La violazione della norma, la quale fa sì che l'immagine viene cancellata .. Viol…

  • Pinhole Fina Art

    Pinhole Fina Art

    Created 11 years ago

    We want to show that with pinhole cameras perfectly works of art can be created. That they are not only technical toys. You can work creatively with these simple cameras. The group will help you nad other photographers to deal with this old technique. Show that modern, artistic photography is not dependent on lenses, glass or even several thousand euros cameras.

  • ❖ Ipernity Photo Gallery ❖

    ❖ Ipernity Photo Gallery ❖

    Created 16 years ago

    RULES! Do not post copyrighted works or part of copyrighted works in this group unless you own the copyright or have the permission to do so. By accepting and signing the Ipernity-ToS/Guidelines, you agreed to upload only pictures done by yourself. Please only post photos which are currently in the " Gallery "! Only pictures with 7 or more faves! Normally an invitation is given by the administrators or moderators. The admins will check all new contributions - please be patient.…

  • Showcase Ipernity

    Showcase Ipernity

    Created 3 years ago

    simply the best in composition, idea, light, quality, story, content, emotion...... Banner and Icon will change, as more photos are available. ONLY INVITED PHOTOS! PLEASE NO SUGGESTIONS BY YOURSELF!

  • Exquisite Textured Compositions

    Exquisite Textured Compositions

    Created 11 years ago

    A group for textured photos ONLY Please type the reference of the texture's Owners you use in description. Thanks.

  • Contemporary Abstracts

    Contemporary Abstracts

    Created 16 years ago

    Abstract photography is understood to mean that it does not depict objects in the natural world, but instead uses color and form nonrepresentational. Obviously do we need objects but let us see them abstract.

  • ...A PAINTINGS from photos group...

    ...A PAINTINGS from photos group...

    Created 6 years ago nur künstlerisch bearbeitete Fotos im Stil der Malerei Only artistically edited photos in the style of painting seules les photos artistiquement éditées dans le style de la peinture

  • Karp Panta group

    Karp Panta group

    Created 4 years ago

    Karp Panta nous a quitté. Il était très actif sur Ipernity. Il aimait les gens et le voyage. Ce groupe lui est dédié pour perpétuer son souvenir. Les photos devront être prises partout dans le monde et mettre en valeur les hommes et les femmes dans leur quotidien. Ce groupe est par ailleurs sélectif et les photos devront être de bonne qualité technique, bien composée et/ou dégager une émotion. Karp Panta has left us. He was very active on Ipernity. He loved people and traveling. This group is d…

  • Scene of life/Scène de vie

  • Flo.Fam.: Poaceae , cyperaceae, joncaceae, "herbes , graminées, grasses , Gräser , Césped ...,

    Flo.Fam.: Poaceae , cyperaceae, joncaceae, "herbes , graminées, grasses , Gräser , Césped ...,

    Created 4 years ago

    Rassembler de belles photos de ce que nous appelons communément des herbes , donc des graminées ou poacées, des cypéracées et des joncacées qui sont proches La plante doit être le sujet principal, ou être bien visible. Dans les Cypéracées , les plus connus sont les carex ou laiches , des scirpes , des cyperus ( souchets , Papyrus ) Dans les Joncacées , les plus connus sont les Joncs , les Luzules , les linaigrettes ou Eriophorum .... Quant aux Poacées ou Graminées , ce sont aussi bien des cu…

  • Stones


    Created 14 years ago

    This group is primarily concerned with stones. Enjoy!

  • je ne regrette rien

    je ne regrette rien

    Created 10 years ago

    avant garde - ish

  • >>Pareidolia<<


    Created 8 years ago

    Pareidolie (altgr. παρα para ‚daneben‘, ‚vorbei‘ und εἴδωλον eidolon ‚Form‘, ‚Erscheinung‘) bezeichnet das Phänomen, in Dingen und Mustern vermeintliche Gesichter und vertraute Wesen oder Gegenstände zu erkennen. (aus: Wikipedia) Als Pareidolie wird eine Sinnestäuschung bezeichnet, bei der ein tatsächlich vorhandenes Objekt um ein nicht vorhandenes ergänzt wird. So können beispielsweise Gesichter in ein Muster interpretiert werden. Pareidolien kommen so wie Illusionen hauptsächlich bei Gesu…

  • Tolerance


    Created 10 years ago

    This group is dedicated to tolerance and free expression in art and speech on Ipernity to foster an atmosphere of respect and understanding. No pornography or copyright infringed images please, since exploitation and intellectual property theft are not tolerance. Nudes are permitted. _____________ Chinese: 该小组致力于宽容和自由表达艺术和有关“宣教”的言论,以营造一种尊重和理解的氛围。 请不要色情或侵犯版权的图像,因为剥削和知识产权盗窃是不能容忍的。允许裸体。 ___________ Russian: Эта группа посвящена терпимости и свободе выражения в искусстве и речи на Ипернити…

  • Intentional Camera Moving- Photos with ICM

    Intentional Camera Moving- Photos with ICM

    Created 6 years ago

    Show the photos taken with an ICM: either with a voluntary movement of the camera, or with a zoom effect; the result must be creative and artistic, of good quality. No shocking photos