Spurensucher's groups

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Public groups in which Spurensucher is a member

  • Old inn signs and other destinations

    Old inn signs and other destinations

    Created 16 years ago

    In former times there was a real culture of inn signs and other destinations; they could not always be preserved. First of all we would like to save the remaining ones from this fate - at least by taking pictures, and maybe we can also discover some on old photographs. Second, as IP is a forum acting internationally, it would also be very interesting to find out the cultural differences - or maybe similarities? Third, for sure, there will be the chance to make some nice discovery or amiable c…

  • Schmiedeeisen, Metall und Co.

    Schmiedeeisen, Metall und Co.

    Created 12 years ago

    Fotos und Bilder von Allem, was mit Eisen oder Metall zu tun hat, das bearbeitet oder geschmiedet werden kann, auch Porträts von Jemanden, der sich in dieser Richtung betätigt und über den man zu berichten weiß.