H.Frisco Rose's groups

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Public groups in which H.Frisco Rose is an administrator

Public groups in which H.Frisco Rose is a member

  • Nachtaufnahmen / Nightshots

    Nachtaufnahmen / Nightshots

    Created 21 months ago

    Nachtaufnahmen von Landschaften aller Art, also z. B. auch Stadtlandschaften. Keine Blue-Hour-Fotos. Keine reinen Astronomiefotos, wo nur Himmel und Sterne zu sehen sind. Keine Personen oder Fahrzeuge als Hauptmotiv.

  • Ipernity Members Association Project

    Ipernity Members Association Project

    Created 7 years ago

    This is a group to inform all users of IPERNITY about the progress of the IMA project. All entries which support this concern, are very welcome.

  • Elche / Moose (Alces alces)

    Elche / Moose (Alces alces)

    Created 8 years ago

    Alles über Elche (Alces alces)... All about moose (Alces alces)...

  • Tolerance


    Created 10 years ago

    This group is dedicated to tolerance and free expression in art and speech on Ipernity to foster an atmosphere of respect and understanding. No pornography or copyright infringed images please, since exploitation and intellectual property theft are not tolerance. Nudes are permitted. _____________ Chinese: 该小组致力于宽容和自由表达艺术和有关“宣教”的言论,以营造一种尊重和理解的氛围。 请不要色情或侵犯版权的图像,因为剥削和知识产权盗窃是不能容忍的。允许裸体。 ___________ Russian: Эта группа посвящена терпимости и свободе выражения в искусстве и речи на Ипернити…

  • Wassertürme / Water-towers

    Wassertürme / Water-towers

    Created 9 years ago

    Bilder von Wassertürmen, also von Türmen, die zur Speicherung größerer Mengen von Wasser dienen oder dienten.

  • " All about shipping "

    " All about shipping "

    Created 8 years ago


  • " All types of historical transportation   //  Tous les moyens de transport historiques ...

    " All types of historical transportation // Tous les moyens de transport historiques ...

    Created 9 years ago

    Nous souhaitons rassembler dans ce groupe des photos de qualité concernant tous les moyens de transport anciens, terrestres, aériens ou maritimes. Nous aimerions aussi, que dans un esprit de courtoisie et de convivialité entre les membres, chaque photo soit accompagnée des informations techniques ou historiques dont il dispose pour permettre de mieux l’apprécier. Nous souhaitons également que, par courtoisie envers les autres membres, chaque photo déposée soit accompagnée d’un commentaire sur u…

  • Treffen "Lichtungen" Hildesheim 2015 & 2018 & 2020 & 2024

    Treffen "Lichtungen" Hildesheim 2015 & 2018 & 2020 & 2024

    Created 8 years ago

    Fotos vom Treffen in Hildesheim anlässlich der 1200 Jahrfeier und des Lichtkunstfestes "Lichtungen" vom 30.10.- 01.11. 2015 Besuch des Schlosses Marienburg Beiträge zu den "Lichtungen 2018" in Hildesheim vom 26.01.- 28.01. 2018 Beiträge zu den "Lichtungen 2020" in Hildesheim vom 23.01.- 26.01. 2020 Beiträge zu den "Lichtungen 2024" in Hildesheim vom 26.01. - 28.01.2024

  • " 100 %  MIROIR - Mirror - Spiegel - Espejo - Specchio "

    " 100 % MIROIR - Mirror - Spiegel - Espejo - Specchio "

    Created 8 years ago

    miroirs-mirrors.group.ipernity.com Toutes les "images miroirs" sont les bienvenues, dans l'eau, miroirs, verre, fenêtres, vitrines, métal, etc ... Alle " Spiegelbilder " sind willkommen , im Wasser , Spiegel , Glas , Fenster, Schaufenster , Metall usw ... All "mirror images" are welcome, in the water, Mirrors, glass, windows, shop windows, metal etc ... Tutte le "immagini dello specchio" sono i benvenuti, in acqua, specchi, vetro, finestre, vetrine, metallo ecc ...

  • Pink Rosa Rose

    Pink Rosa Rose

    Created 8 years ago

    Pink to brighten up our days. Everything is pink Everything is pink Tutto è rosa Anything related to Rose is welcome. Thank you for your kind contribution and collaboration.

  • UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe...UNESCO World Heritage…Patrimoine Mondial de l‘UNESCO

    UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe...UNESCO World Heritage…Patrimoine Mondial de l‘UNESCO

    Created 8 years ago

    unesco-welterbe.group.ipernity.com UNESCO Weltkulturerbe: Das Schönste, was Mensch und Natur uns hinterlassen haben. Patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO: La plus belle chose que l'homme et la nature nous ont laissé. UNESCO World Heritage Site: The most beautiful thing Man and nature have left us. Patrimonio mondiale dell'UNESCO: La cosa più bella che l'uomo e la natura ci hanno lasciato.

  • Rubber Ducks

    Rubber Ducks

    Created 9 years ago

    - All photos that have the theme rubber ducks - For rubber ducks in any size, shape and colour. All materials are accepted, including painted/printed ones. No animals! Unsuitable pictures will be deleted.

  • Zwiebelfisch & Co.

    Zwiebelfisch & Co.

    Created 16 years ago

    Wir veröffentlichen Schilder und Plakate mit Fehlern-- Rechtschreibung, Satzbau und so fort. Den Deppenapostroph lassen wir mal außen vor--das gibt sonst eine Überschwemmung hier. :-)) Wie heißt es so schön? "Die Deutsche Rechtschreibung ist Freeware, du kannst sie kostenlos nutzen. Allerdings ist sie nicht Open Source, d. h. du darfst sie nicht verändern oder in veränderter Form veröffentlichen."

  • Panoramio Refugees - Forum

    Panoramio Refugees - Forum

    Created 10 years ago

    +++ Find and be found by Panoramio Contacts +++ +++ Please only photos which relate to the death of Panoramio +++ The purpose of this group is mainly information exchange between new arrivals from Panoramio and those Panos, who have been here some time already. Post your questions and find useful information in the discussion threads. If you want ro contribute photos as well, these must relate somehow to the death of Panoramio. Photos which have been uploaded to Panoramio do NOT qualify a…

  • Doors


    Created 15 years ago

    Door ... any type of door from any part of the world.

  • BEER


    Created 16 years ago

    all about beer, the magnificent panaceas! Pics of beer, bottles, drinking people...feel free. Show us your desire ;-)

  • ◉Historical & Architectural Gems

    ◉Historical & Architectural Gems

    Created 11 years ago

    Architecture can be old or modern. Historical objects such as vintage articles or transport. Must be at least 50 years old. L'architecture peut être vieux ou moderne. Objets historiques tels que les articles d'époque ou de transport. Doit être d'au moins 50 ans.