Piero Genova's groups

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Public groups in which Piero Genova is a member

  • CWP - Contest Without Prize

    CWP - Contest Without Prize

    Created 9 years ago

    The idea is to add one or two photos each month (from the 1st to 16th) on a given theme. After that (from the 17th to 24th), everyone can vote on which pictures they think are the best. Please refer to the latest discussion for the current theme. "No nudity as this is a family friendly group" Thank you all for participating.

  • SPC Podium Group

    SPC Podium Group

    Created 7 years ago

    A group for the five top placed photos for the Secret Photographer Challenge. A game, where you vote for the submitted photos each month, based on their merit, without knowing who the photographer is. See SPC Play Group, www.ipernity.com/group/2249054

  • SPC Play Group

    SPC Play Group

    Created 7 years ago

    Secret Photographer Challenge A game, where you vote for the photos submitted each month, based on their merit, without knowing who the photographer is. Send your new photo by email, and it will be added to the group when approved. Join the group to be told the true address. Put title of photo in subject. Put your ipernity name in the message.

  • Bianco e Nero - Black & White -  Blanc et Noir - Blanco y Negro

    Bianco e Nero - Black & White - Blanc et Noir - Blanco y Negro

    Created 16 years ago

    Dedicated to black and white photographs. I'd like this to be a group to have a simple but at the same time attractive objective, create a photo stream of B&W photographs that can attract and inspire the visitors of this group. Dedicato alle fotografie in bianco e nero. Mi piacerebbe che si trattasse di un gruppo che ha un semplice ma allo stesso tempo attraente obiettivo, creare un flusso di foto di B & W fotografie che possono ispirare e attirare i visitatori in questo gruppo.

  • B+W


    Created 17 years ago

    Black and white photos only. Film or digital.

  • Old windows and doors

    Old windows and doors

    Created 16 years ago

    The collection of photos of old windows and doors and their accessories

  • UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe...UNESCO World Heritage…Patrimoine Mondial de l‘UNESCO

    UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe...UNESCO World Heritage…Patrimoine Mondial de l‘UNESCO

    Created 8 years ago

    unesco-welterbe.group.ipernity.com UNESCO Weltkulturerbe: Das Schönste, was Mensch und Natur uns hinterlassen haben. Patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO: La plus belle chose que l'homme et la nature nous ont laissé. UNESCO World Heritage Site: The most beautiful thing Man and nature have left us. Patrimonio mondiale dell'UNESCO: La cosa più bella che l'uomo e la natura ci hanno lasciato.

  • Panoramio Refugees - Forum

    Panoramio Refugees - Forum

    Created 10 years ago

    +++ Find and be found by Panoramio Contacts +++ +++ Please only photos which relate to the death of Panoramio +++ The purpose of this group is mainly information exchange between new arrivals from Panoramio and those Panos, who have been here some time already. Post your questions and find useful information in the discussion threads. If you want ro contribute photos as well, these must relate somehow to the death of Panoramio. Photos which have been uploaded to Panoramio do NOT qualify a…

  • " Mes Expositions... Meine Ausstellungen ... My Expositions  "

    " Mes Expositions... Meine Ausstellungen ... My Expositions "

    Created 9 years ago

    Faire partager au grand public ses expositions personelles Seine Ausstellungen für's Breite Publikum zugänglich machen... Show your own expositions to all your friends

  • Mühlen - Molen - Mills - Moulins - Molinos

    Mühlen - Molen - Mills - Moulins - Molinos

    Created 16 years ago

    Alle Mühlen. . . Wassermühlen, Windmühlen, Schiffsmühlen, Holzmühlen, Gebetsmühlen sind willkommen. Any mills... water mills, wind mills, ship mills, lumber mills, prayer mills are welcome :o) Tous les moulins. . . moulins à eau, moulins à vent, moulins à bateaux, moulins à bois, moulins à prière sont les bienvenus. Alle molens. . . Watermolens, windmolens, scheepsmolens, houten molens, gebedsmolens zijn welkom. Für Windräder siehe diese Gruppe. For wind turbines use this group. Pour les éo…



    Created 10 years ago

    Présenter les différents types de moulins, à vent, à eau, à aubes, etc... Les vieux moulins à café et les éoliennes sont bienvenus aussi !...