depscribe's photos with the keyword: Internastional Space University

Afterwards, teams posed with their rockets (or their rocket parts)

Afterwards, teams posed with their rockets (or their rocket parts)

depscribe Posted on 20 Jul 2015
And nicely under parachute

And nicely under parachute

depscribe Posted on 20 Jul 2015
Nearing the 1,000-foot mark

Nearing the 1,000-foot mark

depscribe Posted on 20 Jul 2015
Another gorgeous launch

Another gorgeous launch

depscribe Posted on 20 Jul 2015
Broken egg

Broken egg

depscribe Posted on 20 Jul 2015
Oops -- no parachute!

Oops -- no parachute!

depscribe Posted on 20 Jul 2015
Nosing over

Nosing over

depscribe Posted on 20 Jul 2015
Ripping skyward

Ripping skyward

depscribe Posted on 20 Jul 2015
Another good-looking launch

Another good-looking launch

depscribe Posted on 20 Jul 2015
Back on the ground

Back on the ground

depscribe Posted on 20 Jul 2015
Parachute deployed

Parachute deployed

depscribe Posted on 20 Jul 2015
Rocket on course

Rocket on course

depscribe Posted on 20 Jul 2015
Liftoff looks good

Liftoff looks good

depscribe Posted on 20 Jul 2015
Checking the wiring at the launch pad

Checking the wiring at the launch pad

depscribe Posted on 20 Jul 2015
In the manner of Robert Goddard

In the manner of Robert Goddard

depscribe Posted on 20 Jul 2015