Carol Harper's articles with the keyword: bjp2013

  • The Final Bead Journal Project 2013 butterfly...

    - 27 Dec 2013
    December Christmas Butterfly
    The final bead was put onto the December butterfly on December 26: Another collection of "blocks" to be finish-finished!

  • International Hermit and Stitch Weekend, December 2013 and 2013 - Reconnect to My Stitchery, Week Fifty-One

    - 23 Dec 2013
    For IHSW, I worked on three WIPS. I had the body and two top wings and part of the bottom wing beaded on my December BJP butterfly before the weekend. Over the weekend, I managed to get the third wing done and started on the fourth: Early in the week, I couched red cording around the appliqued flower and sewed on the buttons in the heart of the flower --- cording (passing as "string") and buttons being two of the requirements of the "Green Thumb Challenge" for January's quilt guild meeti…

  • 2013 - Reconnect to My Stitchery, Week Fifty

    - 16 Dec 2013
    Lazy again this week. At least as regards stitchery. (OK, I admit it, I'm in another stitching slump and motivation isn't my strong point this time of year) There was a lot of time decorating trees... Two with hand-stitched ornaments: and one with multi-colored glass (and faux glass) balls): Husband was also busy decorating outside, once his back order of industrial grade LED lights arrived... The front yard, with one artificial and one real (the closest to the house) tree:…

  • 2013 - Reconnect to My Stitchery, Week Forty-Nine

    - 09 Dec 2013
    Holiday prep and a persistent headache sort of got in my way of stitching this week. To be honest, so did two or three football games! My alma mater, Bowling Green State University, won it's league by upsetting a ranked team and Ohio State LOST YAY! Adrenalin for two straight days, enhanced by a UPS delivery snafu before the first game which had me going as well (I HATE to deal with customer service with all their computerized messages and hang-ups and... it caused us to miss the HOA Christmas p…

  • 2013 - Reconnect to My Stitchery, Week Forty-Seven

    - 25 Nov 2013
    November Fallen Leaves
    No TAST this week so all I had to stitch on was my November bead journal butterfly. Well, not all, but all that had a true deadline assigned to it. And here is is: "Fallen Leaves"! When I finished this up Sunday night, I didn't want to start on my BAP of "nine Roll Your Own Mandalas so I pulled out the first chart in my project bag and it turned out to be another blackwork designed by Valentina Sardu for Ajisai Designs: ""Ladybug & Butterfly". Here you can see the start of the ladybug's h…

  • 2013 - Reconnect to My Stitchery, Week Forty-Six and IHSW November 15 - 17

    - 18 Nov 2013
    This week, I managed two more completions --- my November monochromatic orange crazy quilt block for the Crazy Quilt Journal Project and the two TAST stitches that were assigned. Otherwise, I tried calculatiing how to place the nine Roll Your Own Mandalas and think I have come up with a plan, using Iris Garden overdyed 32ct linen (even though my husband is no fan of the fabric) and the Tropical Ocean color scheme. The I forced myself to work on two neglected pieces --- the Chinese Coins quilt a…

  • 2013 - Reconnect to My Stitchery, Week Forty-Four

    - 04 Nov 2013
    For some reason, I simply couldn't motivate to stitch this week. I had all sorts of plans, starting with kitting out the November Bead Journal and Crazy Quilt Journal blocks (which I did): and working on my Chinese Coins quilt and my 2010 Bead Journal book (which I didn't); and with stitching the two stitches in last (and this) week's Take a Stitch Tuesday. Then I stalled! didn't get back to anything until Sunday night when I finally finished up one page of the bac…

  • Caught Up At Last!

    - 29 Oct 2013
    Cuaght Up at Last!
    Sort of! There are still three online classes/stitchalongs I haven't started yet but I do have the Bead Journal Project all caught up! The missing beads arrived yesterday and while their "matte" patina is a little more matte than the ones I started with, I don't think they stand out to much as different! Presenting the "Halloween Butterfly": This butterfly's November and December relatives are all kitted up and ready to go so I should be able to keep on track for the rest of the year! W…

  • 2013 - Reconnect to My Stitchery, Week Forty-Two and IHSW for October...

    - 21 Oct 2013
    This past week (and this International Hermit and Stitch Weekend) were spent on catch-up projects. I started the week - and ended the weekend - by stitching away on the blackwork "Puppy Dog": Most of the weekend, however, was spent on my October Bead Journal Project butterfly for October and I ALMOST finished it. Would have, too, if I hadn't run out of purple beads! Here it is so far, waiting for a bead delivery from Mill Hill, stitched on one of the Halloween fat quarters I got at qu…

  • Catching Up!

    - 08 Oct 2013
    Autumn Leaves butterfly
    My September butterfly for the Bead Journal Project. I call it Autumn Leaves but, as my husband so kindly informed me, I put it on the wrong background. This butterfly has assumed camoflage!

  • 2013 - Reconnect to My Stitchery, Week Forty

    - 07 Oct 2013
    I made a particular attempt this week to start catching up with various deadlines so, after stitching a few days on the blackwork "Puppy Dog" - and completing the first page of fill patterns: I kitted up and started stitching on the September 2013 Bead Journal Project butterfly: and began embellishment of the October Crazy Quilt Journal Project block: In addition, I started getting "go bags" together for a crafting night with my friends in Toledo (we are working through the Ti…

  • A Completion --- and an ALMOST there completion!

    - 27 Sep 2013
    A Butterfly in green
    August's BJP butterfly: Needs to be backed and bound... but nearly there --- Bling it ON!

  • Catching up - slowly but surely!

    - 15 Sep 2013
    Patriotic butterfly
    My July Bead Journal Project butterfly. He did end up a tad wonky, one side being a slight bit smaller and his body something of a tortured curve, but he is patriotic, as July butterfly should be:

  • 2013 - Reconnect to My Stitchery, Week Thirty-Five

    - 02 Sep 2013
    September base block
    I buckled down this week and tackled more WIPs which were tending to becoming UFOs... I completed the Take a Stitch Tuesday stitch. I kitted up the Crazy Quilt Journal Block for September: I assembled the block for "Bling it ON", the quilt retreat I stitched on "Midnight Garden" (only eight more border blocks to stitch in the two blues): and I completed the June BJP butterfly: Yet I'm still woefully behind... 2012 Color Palette/Crazy Quilt Jour…

  • 2013 - Reconnect to My Stitchery, Week Thirty-One

    - 05 Aug 2013
    still not done
    Other than going to the fair to work quilt day and check on my needlework, all I managed to accomplish this week was: purchase of the necessary stretcher bars for L auraJ. Perrin's "Purple Daisy", which arrived this week, complete with the first weeks assignment stitch #75 for TAST purchase a packet of silvery seed beads which, although they don't quite match the ones I'm using now, might just work on the June Butterfly. You tell me --- does it work? Most of the lower right wing has the new…

  • 2013 - Reconnect to My Stitchery, Week Thirty

    - 29 Jul 2013
    not done yet
    Saturday, I took my fair entries to the check-in booth, and they were either judged yesterday or will be today. SO I will be able to find out tomorrow, on the fair's official opening day, what, if anything, I won. Otherwise, the only stitching I did this week was a little beading on my June BJP butterfly. What is more, I fear I don't have enough of the silvery grey to finish it. Plan B? I may have to order some online as the local shops have a very slight supply of Mill Hill... Cl…

  • 2013 - Reconnect to My Stitchery, Week Twenty-Nine

    - 22 Jul 2013
    Only a couple of nights beading on the June butterfly this past week --- and not a lot to show for it: Spent my free time watching the entire series 1 of "Endeavour" from start to finish... and am chuffed that there will be a series 2! But it sure plays havoc with my stitching time!

  • 2013 - Reconnect to My Stitchery, Week Twenty and International Hermit and Stitch Weekend for May 2013

    - 20 May 2013
    April BJP
    My last week on drops for the left eye and an eye exam has resulted in new glasses (should be in in a week or so) which should solve any additional problems I have (except for the peripheral vision shimmer which still sometimes strikes without warning). I really lost my stitchery mojo last week --- I settled down on Sunday to get some stitches in on International Hermit and Stitch Weekend... Finally finished the April BJP butterfly: May's butterfly will be in orange and white on…

21 articles in total