Don Sutherland's articles with the keyword: photos

  • Summer Lessons

    - 16 Aug 2014
    In “The Four Seasons,” Vay-Hah-Ess wrote: Ernest went with his parents and several playmates to the nearest village, on a warm summer day; and they remained there the entire day. All around them they saw green cornfields and meadows, decorated with thousand fold flowers; also pastures in which young lambs were dancing, and wanton foals were skipping about.—They ate cherries and other summer fruit, and enjoyed themselves right well during the whole day. “Is it not true,” asked his father, on…

  • Personal Reflections on China

    - 25 Jun 2014
    As I had noted in my previous blog entry , I traveled to China earlier this month. I spent a little more than two weeks there. The trip was both remarkable and enriching. Beijing provides a kind of sketch that illustrates the extraordinary progress China has made in its economic development in recent decades. The expansive city is filled with testaments to that progress. Sprawling commercial districts can be found around its historic and political centers. The city's subway lines have been g…

  • My First Year as an Ipernity Club Member

    - 02 Jun 2014
    As I head out to China, a few quick thoughts on my first year at Ipernity. Yes, it has been a year since I joined the Ipernity Club. Time seems to have passed so quickly that it is difficult to believe that it actually has been a year. Overall, my experience has been a rewarding one. The combination of an evolving and dynamic community of photographers and a responsive Ipernity team have created an environment that is conducive to personal growth as a photographer, building and sustaining rel…

  • Winter Greetings

    - 07 Jan 2014
    Even as parts of Europe remain locked in abnormal warmth in spite of the calendar’s having been turned to a fresh new year—Muscovites might be forgiven for wondering if the calendar forgot winter—parts of North America have experienced cold that has not been witnessed for almost 20 years in some places. An anonymous 16th Century writer once observed: This winter’s weather it waxeth cold, And frost it freezeth on every hill, And Boreas blows his blast so bold That all our cattle are li…

  • Joy and Beauty for All Seasons

    - 03 Nov 2013
    The Monarchs and hummingbirds have now departed for warmer climes leaving a kind of sad emptiness in their wake. Despite beauty worthy of a seat in First Class on any of the world’s leading airlines, these elegant insects and remarkable birds must instead undertake their lengthy and perilous journey all on their own. Along the way, they will battle storms, predators, fatigue, and many other challenges. Nevertheless, through heroic persistence and iron-clad determination that would make any triat…

  • Departing Summer Leaves Lasting Memories

    - 25 Aug 2013
    The days are growing shorter now. Each morning, the sun rises a little later. Each evening, the sun sets a little earlier. In a matter of weeks, the Autumnal Equinox will be upon us. With summer now drawing to a close, it is a good time to reflect on the season that was. Whether one is in Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States, or elsewhere in the Northern Hemisphere, one is sure to have one’s own unique memories. Long after the seemingly endless days of…

  • My First Full Month at Ipernity

    - 30 Jun 2013
    My first full month at Ipernity has been a rewarding one. The people—welcoming longtime members of Ipernity and contacts who migrated from Flickr—have been wonderful. They have made it a special community. The Ipernity team has been highly responsive during the extraordinary period of transition that has been underway, always helpful and informative. The photos give Ipernity a distinctive feel. From magical abstracts to colorful butterflies, from delicate floral detail to soaring mountains,…