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237 results.

  • Shadow Light and Lines

    Shadows, light & lines captures the eye from this weathered wall. Believe it or not, this photo was made with the iPad Mini camera. Something that I always love to see is elements that create strong composition in the square format. The morning sunlight through the trees casts a shadow onto the wall of this vintage garage in my neighborhood. The vertical lines provided by the plants create an added touch of the grid pattern needed to complete this moment in time. I chose black and white bec… (read more)

  • What do power lines look like to a "none-line-geek"?

    Whenever I look out the window with awe at yet another power line, I often wonder, what does this power line or other typical power lines look like to someone who isn't interested in power lines. What does a power line look like for a person who isn't a line geek like me or like my fellow friends on ipernity? Do they see that power line just like I do or does it look different to them? Do you truly think they look ugly like most none line geeks claim to say or do they actually look cool to some… (read more)

  • Power Lines look alive to me.

    This article is going to sound silly, but I want to share with you all why I've been interested in power lines my whole life. All power lines look like they are a live to me. In other words, they look almost as if they are actually living things no different than humans, animals, or birds. When I look at poles, each and every one of them are unique and have its own personality. When they corner, or meander around the environment for example, they almost seem like they have emotions that conv… (read more)

  • Remembering Mr. Awesome & Trolley Lines

    It's a sad day for line geeks. I just looked at the updated street view and Mr. Awesome has been totally stripped of the trolley lines and is now down to just FOUR crossarms for the power lines. All of the trolley lines and trolley poles along 5th street are TOTALLY gone too!!! What Mr. Awesome looks like now: What Mr. Awesome used to look like: Trolley lines:

  • White Lines

    Grandmaster & Melle Mel (Glover) issued the single "White Lines (Don't Don't Do It)" (Sylvia Robinson - Mel Glover) in 1983. The tune peaked at forty-seven on the Billboard Hot Black Singles chart, number nine on the Billboard Hot Dance Club Play while reaching the top ten in the U.K.. Melle Mel co-authored the release with Sylvia Robinson, the Mother of Hip-Hop, the same Sylvia who topped the Billboard chart with "Pillow Talk", the co-founder of Sugarhill Records and the Sylvia of Mickey and Sy… (read more)

  • Love's Lines, Angles And Rhymes

    Diana Ross recorded "Love's Lines, Angels And Rhymes" (Dorothea Joyce) on her 1970 self-titled debut solo LP. Following the success of the track "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" the album title was changed to reflect the popularity of that number one single. The 5th Dimension's (lead vocalist Marilyn McCoo, Billy Davis Jr., Florence LaRue, Lamonte McLenmore and Ron Townson) cover of "Love's Lines, Angela And Rhymes" from the 1971 album of the same name peaked at number nineteen on Billboard's… (read more)

  • silverchair - Straight Lines

  • Photo phun - wrinkle

    Still calling them laughter lines - with a tan!

    Well at my age, wrinkles are here in abundance. This was taken a few months ago and the only reason the wrinkles (or laughter lines as I call them) aren't so evident - I've put on weight!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL Boy do these wrinkles (er laughter lines) stand out in the light!!!................. These are my grandparents and uncles and aunts - now there are loads of wrinkles here, and it's quite shocking to realise that they are all around the early 60's in age!!!!! Hell's teeth!!!!… (read more)

  • Some questions

    ~1/9/18: Just some questions I've been wondering about for the longest time: What would happen if a "normal open" loop was closed in a circuit and tied the two station transformers together. Would there be any drawbacks in regards to the transformers for having tied in two subs / sources together? Other question: How many subs can a typical 69kv line supply power to? Recently, I've been tracking down some lines around my area to see where they go and I was quite surprised to see a single 6… (read more)

  • "What are those things called?"

    ~9/25/14: I can't put a number on how many times I've heard people's random guesses on what they think power lines are called. I've had people ask me before "What are those things that you like called? Those poles....uh lines....those towers and thingys. You draw them???". "Or what those strings and...electrical things". "You like those....road thingys or stuff right??" Truth to be told, I love hearing the guesses since its quite funny. This just came to mind and I was wondering about how many… (read more)

  • My Power came back last night..

    So now we are waiting for our roof to be repaired. Supposedly they will be here this week. The other problems we are experiencing is they had lost power to the Gasoline depots. So they can't get gas to the stations.. 80% of the stations are out. The rest have long lines.. I still have 3/4 of a tank but traffic is so bad right now. It took me 75 minutes to make my normally 20 minute commute in today. There are still many people without service and areas are still flooded. Besides gas there has… (read more)

  • Lots o' Snow!

    Yesterday (2-20-14) here in MN we got a recently snow storm of 6-12 inches here. No damage to anything. We still have power, but a lot of cars were on the sides of roads or in ditches this morning. It seemed quite dubious that the ones in the ditches along I-94 would be free anytime soon. Random fact: February 18th was very fun and interesting day for me. It probably was because I got some new ideas for my power lines.

  • Delta flight 15

    checked with Completely true! It maybe a bit long but worth the reading... This is not political, it is about 9-11. I never thought about what was going on with all those flights that were stuck out of the country. This is a really interesting insight into what people can be capable of. Here is an amazing story from a flight attendant on Delta Flight 15, written following 9-11: "On the morning of Tuesday, September 11, we were about 5 hours out of Fr… (read more)

  • 6/21/13 Thunderstorms

    I woke up today to find out I was experiencing my first power outage. Apparently there were a couple hundred people without power in my area, there were about 130,000 customers without power in the state according to Xcel Energy during the early hours of the after math of the storm. I heard lots of loud thunder, at some point so loud that I had to cover my ears, raining hard, and strong winds. People in Hudson, Wisconsin were also affected by the thunderstorms. I did not see any damage on the p… (read more)

  • Utility conditions

    While reading Northwestern Energy's Distribution System Infrastructure Plan (addressing needed upgrades to their electric and gas systems in MT), this paragraph on the last page was interesting - "NWE is in a somewhat favorable position – for now. It may already be too late for some utilities for whom the status of disrepair, the costs of catch up and the logistics of widespread infrastructure investment are unmanageable. Others are at the edge, where costly programs and extensive new constru… (read more)

  • Can't think of one...

    Yesterday was my first day back and it turned into quite a busy day with rooms being left in a mess, and equipment failures. I had my hospital check-up in the afternoon and it didn’t go that well. The clinic was running almost an hour late and it goads me that they post notes stating if you’re more than 10 minutes late they may not see you, yet the doctor’s first appointment was at 1:40 and he didn’t even turn up until 2:30; he was stuck in traffic. We have to allow for travel time and traffic,… (read more)

  • At the going down of the Sun and in the morning... WE WILL REMEMBER THEM

    2801 visits

    Remembrance Day

    Tomorrow is Remembrance Sunday in the UK and Commonwealth and Europe and Veterans Day in the USA Remembrance Day ..... the 11th hour of the 11th Day of the 11th Month. Armistice Day. My Grandad was a muleateer in WWI... survival time rated 1 week ....and survived the 5 nightmare years. My Dad was on long range penetration behind enemy lines in Burma for 4 out of the 5 years of WWII .. survival time reckoned at 2 weeks... he did 4 years.. Neither talked about the horror and the nightmar… (read more)

  • Today .. March 7, 2014

    There is an ice storm affecting at least half of our area. So far, we still have power - all utility lines are underground. But that doesn't mean too much if a sub-station goes. Just letting you know -- might not be in here too much. PeggyC In-The-Land-Of-The-Frozen (photos later)


    About composition A new group for this: Ipernity Academy .

  • The James Williamson Interview

    Votre de style de guitare est assez unique, comment avez-vous appris à jouer? J'ai eu ma première guitare avant de rentrer au collège en Oklahoma. On me l'a acheté pendant des vanaces au Texas. C'était une vieille Old Sears acoustique très difficile à jouer.J'ai appris quelques accords avec un type en rentrant chez moi mais c'est resté assez limité jusqu'à ce qu'on déménage pour le Michigan un an plus tard et que je tombe sur un voisin qui jouait super bien à l'electrique. Il m'a appris tou… (read more)