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416 results.

  • pottering in the garden and photo for Fran

    IMG 0960

    Yesterday ellen brought me a tray of 20 mixed Petunia so today I planted them out,colour in the garden soon and not before time. While I was pottering about with that Stephen came round with his brush hacker for a scone go at the patch at the side of the house. Now I will be able to get atit with my strimmer hopefully. Fran you asked for a photo of the beast,the macine that is not Stephen.,well here are the pair of thm. Stephen is 6ft and the hacker is as tall as him and pretty heavy so it ne… (read more)

  • Two good days in the garden

    After two lovely days with temps up to 25c today I have just about caught up in the garden. I have four of the five sections mowed and strimmeed and the roughest arera strimmed,I might be able to get a mower over it tomorrow. Today for the first time in a long time I wore sports shirt and shorts it is good to get fresh air around thse old bones. I no Iyiced my neighbour John's blpossom looked really good against the blue sky so took a couple of snaps. On the second one I zoomed in a… (read more)

  • A wonderful day in the garden

    A full day in the garden in glorious weather today. I started this morning on the rose beds while the sun was on the front. I say rose beds they have been colonized by California Poppies self seeded from next door and very colourful they are. I weeded the 20ft stretch before taking a break for the first of many pints of orange and pineapple. After lunch I started on the back and throughout the afternoon weeded 40ft of borders,there are a fair few surviving seedlings despite Sooty's best efforts… (read more)

  • In the garden

    492 visits

    Sitting at the back of the house in my new all weather bistro set making a list of things to do in the garden. I am rather close to the feeder and the birds are not pleased. But my heart has hardened. Who pays for the bird food ? The few brave ones are young and naïve. A blue tit not yet blue. A goldfinch fledgling. And a pair of feisty adult siskin who care for nobody. I'm pleased with the changes. Twenty years in this house and I never seem to have got the garden right. It's making me think of my mother. As a young woman she worked as a machinist in a factory. Piece work. You learned to be quick and accurate. Eventually she graduated to men's tailoring. The crème de la crème. Then she married and the Second World War came along. Hard times. After the war my father died and times were even harder. We lived in a tiny tenement flat and scrimped and saved. But we looked good. Other people's cast offs which she took apart and transformed. She had a great sense of colour and style. But the inside of the flat was a disaster. It wasn't the lack of money and it wasn't that she didn't try. She just didn't like housework and had mad ideas. The kitchen where we lived was painted with orange gloss paint. Cheerful and easy to clean but it showed every bulge and crack. The linoleum was brick red and the table had a wine table cover. It gives me a headache to remember. Her flair for colour didn't seem to translate from clothes. My garden has been a bit like that. Why didn't I see that orange oriental poppies were not going to look good next to a pink rose ? Why did I try to grow every kniphofia known to man when the conditions weren't right ? Or build a wildlife pond which wildlife mostly couldn't get to ? Now I have a focus. My knees have crumbled and I like photography. Bees and butterflies are in trouble. Even I can add two and two. My insect friendly plants stay and have been given room to spread. New additions may be wild or cultivated but they must like the conditions and insects must like them. Although still in transition, the garden in July was a-buzz with bees and yesterday I saw a white butterfly and five tortoiseshells on the inula. Five ! I must be doing something right. After twenty years my mother got things right too. Coming home for Christmas once I found the kitchen transformed. Some things remained. I think the wine table cover was one. But the room looked calm and cosy and all of a piece. What had happened ? I never found out although I paid her compliments and made a fuss. But I know she was pleased with what she had achieved and so am I.

  • Hey flowers in the garden on 30.1.2020

    View of primroses out of bedroom window

    I was looking out my bedroom window this morning and I saw a small flash of pale colouring and so I took a few pictures so I could see what it was. Imagine my surprise when I enlarged the pictures - Spring has started to tease us - they were the first primroses of 2020!!! I've never seen primroses in my garden while we were still in January of any year. This is a sort of close up of what I saw in the garden this morning. As you can see the leaves of the mombretia are already standing tall -… (read more)

  • A visitor and work in the garden

    A nice sunny busy day. The day started out dull but soon the sun shone through. My son Stephen paid a visit this morning which was good,Zazzles made a fuss of him as usual with visitors. he stayed an hour or so and wandered off for lunch. After my lunch I decided to have a potter in the garden helped by two kitties. I found a small patch suitable for clearing and seeding some more wild flowers. I went to get my tools and when I returned I found the space occupied. I asked them nice… (read more)

  • "The Monk in the garden" ~ Genetics

    There is a kind of immortality in every garden - Stillmeadow Daybook, Gladys Teber, 1899-1980 .......according to the legend that has persisted for a full century, Bateson spent most of that train ride immersed in an old article from a small journal published in Austria. He was not gazing idly at the scenery. The article, written by an obscure monk named George Mendel, described the elegant botanical experiments he had conducted in a modest monastery g… (read more)

  • Hard work in the garden and Max catches up with me

    An early start in the garden for me today.We have a bright sunny day but there is a weather front moving in overnight bringing heavy rain and strong winds until Wednesday. With the grass already too long after recent rains today was the day to set about it. I started on the front at 8:30 and had it mowed and strimmed by 9:45. Nursing with my back along I took a break and demolished a bacon bun and coffee.10:15 I started on the larger of the two out the back,I mowed it then took break before tack… (read more)

  • A good day in the garden

    A dull start to the day was replaced by long sunny spells so it was time to catch up in the garden. I started on the front cutting and strimming the grass in quick time with only one interruption which is pretty good in these parts. After a coffee break and a smoke it was time to start on the back,cutting the part that vaguely resembles a lawn first then after a rest I started on the big job. I used to run my little mower into the part that was thriving wild flower patch until 2 years of stor… (read more)

  • There is still some colour in the garden.


    While I was outside saying goodbye to Mandi, I noticed that there is still a lot of colour left in the garden....... I do love the bright orange of the nasturtium next to the purple toadflax......... The little ant wandering around the yellow nasturtium.............. See it's gone somewhere else.......... This lycesteria formosa is still blooming!!!!!!!! It first flowered around April - a great plant to have in the garden. The old rose is still blooming and it's sc… (read more)

  • A walk on the wildside and a few flowers in the garden

    The sun is back and this morning I was off down to the park hoping the daffs were out.Alas I was about a week early by the look of the plants. The tulips were in bloom vbut they were brought here from the parks glasshouses. The lawns have alson been trimmed. All very nice but not why I calme here it is because the park leads to the little wild valley,my sort of scenery I had a nice stroll met 4or5 folk on the way and passed the time of day keeping the required distance between us of course… (read more)

  • A sunny day for work in the garden

    After an iffy start to the day the afternoon brought sunshine.I sat in the garden for a while before getting restless as always so I decided to do a bit of clearing. Slowly but surely I am getting the patch at the side of the house cleared and today I managed to reach the wall at the front of the house. There is still a lot of rubbish to clear but today I made big inroads getting the large garden waste wheelie half full before my back called full time. Having learned harsh lessons over the ye… (read more)

  • A hot day in the garden

    Today promised to be hot and sticky again and indeed it was. 8:30 With this thought in mind I decided to get an early start and weeded the rose patch out the front which was in dire need of a tidy up. That took me nearly an hour it has grown so much in the last 3 weeks. I took snaps of the miniature roses. The first is of the white patch almost hidden by the grass The second is a single white and the third 3 lovely reds. After the rubbish from there was cleared I strimmed and mowe… (read more)

  • Text off Jenny,a couple of suprises in the garden and some ships

    I had a text off Jenny last night,they were tired after a sleepless first night the first the a/c unit wasn't working and it was very hot. Hot there again yesterday of course they are staying close to the pool. I has a wander over to the docks just to stretch my legs before the promised rain arrives and found 3 tatty looking vessels waiting to be loaded,photos posted. A nice surprise in the garden this morning the two Gladioli that haven't flowered since 2009 I think are starting to bloom, th… (read more)

  • a day in the garden and photos of flowers

    For the 2nd day in 3 I am inflicting three blogs on you but this one is very short and there are pretty photos. I had a fine afternoon in the garden.I resisted the temptation to get the mower out,tomorrow is soon enough for that. I read awhile and chatted to Allan and the boys,had a ice cold glass of orange and a vanilla ice cream on a stick coated in dark chocolate the name of which escapes me. I found a few pretty flowers to photograph which I have posted and generally lazed around. Now… (read more)

  • Day 4 in the garden

    20210601 155056

    Another wonderful day today with themps hitting 24c I got a lot more done includung the biggy,I menanged to get a strim on the patch to the side of the house,Another in a few days should bring it up to par. I had just finished and was sampling a cool beer when Ellen arrived and she wasn't alone. She had Mia with her which really made my day complete. Four nice sunny days,a lot done in the garden,my back held out and to finish off a visit from my daughter and great granddaughter ,life doesn't… (read more)

  • Mahé in the garden!

    Just a few expressions when he was with me in the garden!

  • It may be desolate in the garden.......

    They look big but they are really small

    Well Spring has yet to ring the bell, announcing its arrival - well at least in my garden, so there is lots of green but no colour as of yet. I noticed that the bluebells should be out soon so hopefully that will be a lovely blue carpet. Meanwhile, I have some colour in the lounge and kitchen. Now this is unusual because I'm not all that brilliant with house plants with flowers...... now green plants thrive, but flowers???? Well last year I got these house plants with flowers in a sale - I… (read more)

  • More work in the garden

    Today was a glorious sunny day,perfect for more gardening This morning I raked all the grass up in the front garden and did some more tidying in the borders. This afternoon with a warm sun on my back I strimmed the smaller sectioh of the back garden and noticed a bramble had invaded the gooseberry busg so set about that. With my back starting to stiffen up I downed tools grabbed a chair and a cold beer and relaxed for an hour or so.Tomorrow if the back holds up I will start on the largest… (read more)

  • Work in the garden with helpers

    Today dawned bright and sunny but very cold. After a quick trip to the shop and some breakfast I was ready to tackle the garden. The Buddleia and rose bushes were in need of pruning so I set upon them with a vigour. What were 6ft bushes are now 18inch bare branched midgets. The Buddleia took a lot of pruning it has really grown this year with sturdy branches instead of the willowy slender ones of last year. This job took longer than I planned mainly due to two cats who thought it was a rare old… (read more)