Latest photos

Updated on: 25 Aug 2016.

Bog in Washington, album created on 10 Aug 2016

8 items in total.

Water, album created on 10 Feb 2014

10 items in total.

Animals, album created on 10 Feb 2014

6 items in total.

About Scott Ferguson

21 177 visits

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Pam J Kathleen Thorpe RHH Treasa Ui Cionaodha Dan Leppert


Latest comments - All (7)
 Scott Ferguson
Scott Ferguson
Thank you everyone, While I don't have nearly the years of experience that Tim and Ron do, I certainly look forward to the opportunity to go out shooting with them when possible.

I will admit that I add new content far more sporadically than I suppose I should but I will try.

I look forward to sharing and seeing your photos as well.
9 years ago.
 Kathleen Thorpe
Kathleen Thorpe club
Welcome to Ipernity. Looking forward to enjoying your work as much as Tim's and Ron's.
9 years ago.
 Pam J
Pam J club
Welcome Scott... this is becoming a Family site !!

Glorious photographs !
9 years ago.
 Jenny McIntyre
Jenny McIntyre club
Welcome to Ipernity from this side of the ocean. Your photos here are amazing and I look forward to seeing more of them. You do indeed belong to an incredibly photographic geniuses
9 years ago.
 Peggy C
Peggy C club
Welcome --- look forward to seeing another family member and your POV .... got extremely talented relatives !
9 years ago.

Want to write a little note as well?