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Updated on: 17 Aug 2016.

Starbuck, WA - May 2012, album created on 11 Aug 2015

This is the tiny town of Starbuck, Washington about 30 miles North of Walla Walla. The utility is Columbia REA. I primarily took these pictures to help decipher what was going on with the street lighting system. There is only one visible wire going into the street lighting arm, and I mistakenly thought these were a form of series. But it appears the street lights are powered from one wire and the arm must be bonded to the ground. Very unique for sure.

Scotia, CA, album created on 17 Jun 2015

10 items in total.

Series equipment & transformers, album created on 25 Apr 2015

14 items in total.

About Jim Terry

Place of residence: United States

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David Dahle Brian Huey