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Updated on: 15 Jul 2016.

Tamron Adaptall-2 Model 52A SP 70-210mm f3.5-4 CF Tele Macro Lens, album created on 08 Sep 2013

This set contains images made with this lens, alone, or with an attached Tamron Adaptall-2 01f Flat Field Teleconverter.

Tamron Adaptall-2 model 55BB, album created on 23 Jun 2013

This set contains images made with this lens and may be mounted to Pentax K20D camera or Canon Digital Rebel XT (350D) camera. The images are typically taken hand held with the with the lens alone as a 500mm f8 or with a Tamron Adaptall-2 140f 1.4X Teleconverter and functioning as a 700mm f11 lens. When mounted on my Pentax K20D camera, I use a Tamron Adaptall-2 Pentax KM mount.

Tamron Adaptall-2 Model 27A SP 28-80mm f3.5-4.2 CF Macro lens, album created on 23 Jun 2013

This set contains images taken with this lens on my Pentax K20D camera and functioning as my normal lens when I do not need a wider angle view. This lens replaces the kit lens' (which I do not own) range from normal through short telephoto (longer focal length). This lens may also be used on my Canon Digital Rebel XT (350D) camera.

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