Group: 300-400 Views

Bonfim Estate.

Fountain on church garden.

Montage utilitaires

Baie de Somme

Big Shoe

Portrait of a Legong dancing girl

Gunung Agung volcano on Bali

Hello, Autumn!

Saint Mary Magdalene House of Retirement.

Porto Cathedral - façade.

Mother Church of Our Lady of Rosary.

Doing the Laundry

Teas in display.

Painting on gate, by Costah.

Lello Bookshop (1906).

Kyichu Lhakhang Monastery


Curious Pupils in Tashigang

Traditional Bhutanese farm house

Charm Hostel.

Old olive trees.

Begegnung am Gartenzaun

Engenheiro Silva Market.

Old Palace Tower (1310).

Last fishing out of the Khlong that day

Saint Anthony Chapel.