Group: 300-400 Views

Manor-house - Galician Centre.

Binibeca Vell.

House where the poet Trindade Coelho was born in 1…

Barbacena dolmen.

Chapel of Our Lady of Nazareth.

Aftermath of accident.

Enfield 8000 (1975).

Old Slaves' Market.

Bridge over Oeiras River.

Son Saura - Bellavista Beach.

Distance to twinned town in Spain.

The Golden Whip of Chengis Khan


View from Elvas Castle.

Saint Angel Bridge and Tiber River.

Cloisters of Saint Paul Basilica.

Tiles on the side aisle of Carmo Church.

Clube Sesimbrense.

Gouttes de pluie sur rose du jardin


Renault 10 Major, early 1970's.

Ford Taunus 17m - 1962.

Yellow Bird