Group: UK Landscape Photography

Welcome One and All

Herb Riddle
By A Herb Riddle club
11 Apr 2021 - 112 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English


As the new administrator here, I extend a big welcome to you all.

Being a lover of landscapes and light, I realise that I live in one of the most varied scenic and beautiful countries in the World. With our vast coastline, rolling hills, rivers, mountains, lakes and beautiful farmland, that has been shaped for millennium by man and nature, there is something for everyone. If that was not enough, even our towns, villages and infrastructure adds to the scene. Our rich heritage, weather and wildlife highlights our landscape throughout the seasons.

There are countless publication both in paperback and here on the web that demonstrate the photographic possibilities of taking beautiful landscapes here. I know that my fellow British members will need no introduction to the possibilities but I am also very much aware that our friends from overseas love our landscapes too, and so with all that in mind, lets do what Ipernity is very good at. Share our photos, moods and thoughts here.

I look forward to seeing your many new photos here. Feel free to add your ideas in this discussion too.

Best Wishes. Herb

The topic of this discussion has been edited by Herb Riddle 3 years ago.

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