Group: Square - Carré - Quadrat

Square Fence, Phuket (HFF)

to be or not to be....



Desert Sand - PiP

Suis Leste

Touched by light.

HFF von einer alten Burg

Marker Wadden


Canards trio

HBM with makalani nut carver

Schirm vergessen ...

Waren (Müritz) - St. Marien-Kirche

Gartenhummel (Bombus hortorum) am Gänseried

Machaon du terril

Evening stroll

SC46 closed, prepare for SC47 = Relationship betw…

Alles im Quadrat

meeting in the middle

Dintelhaven bridge.

3 127

SC45 closed, prepare for SC46 = Composition in B/W