Group: naturey crap - crappy nature

enjoying the group - and commenting

By A raingirl club
25 Jul 2019 - 127 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

It is so great to see all the contributions pouring into this group! I don't have time to keep up with commenting on everyone's photos, but please know that I view and enjoy each and everyone of them.

That said - I challenge group members to add comments to photos in this group that have a small number of comments on them. Many of the photos here are professional and get lots of attention. But part of the nature of this group is that some photos posted are maybe photos we are unsure of. Wouldn't it be grand to add a note to a photo with an encouraging comment or a constructive suggestion?

Just a thought. I'm not putting anything into the rules or anything like that. This is a casual and, I think, fun group.

Keep the nature coming!

laura (raingirl)

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