Group: Churches-Monasteries-Chapels

Vår Frue kirke

Bench for lovers

St. Faith's Church


Άγιος Κωνσταντίνος.

Church of Saint Francis of Assisi.

Chapel of the Lord of the Souls.

Former Saint Anthony Convent.

Saint Anthony Church.

Swimming pool of the pousada.

Cloister with the Cross of Malta.

Flor da Rosa Monastery (14th century).

Parish Church.

Chapel of Our Lady of Good Success.

Church of Mercy (17th century).

Saint Sebastian Chapel.

Mother Church of Our Lady of Conception.

Lincoln Cathedral: main portal

Lincoln Cathedral: Crossing

Saint Stephen Chapel (16th century).

Црква Светог Илије у селу Имљани

Church of Our Lady of Consolation.

Church of Mercy.

Saint Anthony Chapel.

Basilica of Mafra's Convent (18th century).

Royal Building of Mafra (18th century).