Group: Belgium

BE - Aubel - Altar der Abteikirche Val-Dieu


It clears up in Nieuwpoort ...


HFF to all!!

Chateau de Beusdael (B)

Guillemins Train Station

Ypres Market Square

BE - Jalhay - Im Hohen Venn

South-west corner of the Cloth Hall - Ypres - 2003

The Menin Gate Memorial Ypres 2003

The Menin Gate Memorial East Ypres 2003

The Menin Gate Memorial West Ypres 2003

Centrale de Monceau power station

Voiture blanche Citroen

L'automne au parc

Du coté de Bruges.

Vegetable stall - De Panne - Belgium - July 2003

Have a great weekend!

Le sanglier des Ardennes


Pip - Au pied du château, la petite ville de Bouil…

Saints Pierre et Paul

Pip - Le château de Godefroy de Bouillon

Le bastion du Dauphin

Find man with grey shirt and black shorts behind t…