Group: De mundi Romanorum

Saint Lazarus Aqueduct (1st century).

Miracles Aqueduct.

Albarregas River.

Albarregas River, Roman Bridge and Miracles Aquedu…

Temple of Mars (1st century BC).

Roman Circus.

Roman Circus.

Mérida's Roman Theatre.

Roman Theatre (1st century BC).

Roman Amphitheatre.

Roman Amphitheatre's portico.

Roman Art Museum.

Roman Art Museum.

Roman Bridge.

Temple of Diana.

Trajan's Arch.

Sculpture of Roman Emperor Claudius' head.

Talha Fountain (Roman, 1st century).

Ruins of Roman Forum and Mother Church of Holy Mar…

Ruins of Roman Thermal Baths.

Downstream view to River Tâmega and pedestrian bri…

River Tâmega and Trajan Bridge (1st Century).

Roman Bridge over River Minho.

Hercules Tower (1st century).

Old olive tree.

Ruins of baths of Roman villa.

Frescoes inside a Roman villa (1st to 4th centurie…