Group: Signs signs signs / Enseignes, pancartes, panneaux et autres.

Pastega's Market, abandoned

Dante himself!

Musei Vaticani

Holiday Motel

4 - 5 - 3 - What's that?

Ocean Beach, San Francisco

De 7 à 77 ans !

McCormick-Deering tractor

SF Polk mosque (1363)

SF Tenderloin (1362)

SF Tenderloin Moorish architecture (1360)

I contemplate buying a bunny

My grandson contemplates buying worms

Farmall Diesel 350

Bada Bing

Claudio's, Sydney

The disembodied legs of Sydney

They run this town

Torque Amplifier

Ne jetons pas l'ancre

Arts Festival Poster.

le monde est fou

windows in Siem Reap (Cambodia)

SF Mid-Market NEMA branding (1330)