Group: Signs signs signs / Enseignes, pancartes, panneaux et autres.

Kodai-ji Temple

Japanese blue oak

Japanese Gentian

Badger runs away with bottle of sake

House, Fushimi Inari-taisha

Gift shop, Kyoto

Walking home

La ville de Paris a installé des panneaux pour emp…

Pastega's Market, abandoned

Dante himself!

Musei Vaticani

Holiday Motel

4 - 5 - 3 - What's that?

Ocean Beach, San Francisco

De 7 à 77 ans !

McCormick-Deering tractor

SF Polk mosque (1363)

SF Tenderloin (1362)

SF Tenderloin Moorish architecture (1360)

I contemplate buying a bunny

My grandson contemplates buying worms

Farmall Diesel 350

Bada Bing

Claudio's, Sydney

The disembodied legs of Sydney