Group: naturey crap - crappy nature

thank you for continuing to contribute!

By A raingirl club
18 Apr 2020 - 181 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

Thank you all for continuing to think of this group. We are well used and I love that. I come here to enjoy all the nature people appreciate enough to bother to photograph. It gives me a little bit of connection with them, and with their travels (be those close or far).

I hope people are feeling like their photos are getting noticed here.

I usually note where I've come across a photo - so people can tell where their photo was found. I like this information, so that's why I do it for others. I don't know html code, so I just type a short note at the bottom of my comments. I hope I'm not annoying anyone by this practice.

I do know that people appreciate a comment - so don't be shy!

in peace and health,
laura (raingirl)

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