Group: Fountain

I N T R O D U C T I O N - why fountains?

Adam *
By A Adam * club
30 Nov 2007 - 1 comment - 566 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

I think that there is a lot of beauty in fountains, both static (the fountain's structural aspects) and dynamic (the movement and sound of the water, the shapes that the water assume as a result of the structure and function - the design - of the fountain, and the effects of the movement of the water on the ambient illumination).

A video can attempt to capture some aspects of the dynamic, and a still photo can also capture this to some extent. However, the still photo can also freeze the fountain to reveal aspects of the fountain that would be very hard to visualise whilst looking at the fountain in real-time. The still photo that 'freezes' the fountain reveals a world that can be seen in no other way.

Hence, the fascination of pictures of fountains for me.

As I could not find an Ipernity Group that focusses on fountains, I decided to start this one.
 Adam *
Adam * club
Thanks, Evelyne. I look forward to seeing these.
16 years ago.

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