Group: Benches of the World

Happy Bench Monday!

In The Mood♥

Bit wet for a picnic

Promenade oisive sur le quai - Müßiger Spaziergang…

Banc et clôture / Bench and fence

Pont, banc et clôture / Bridge, fence and bridge


Brennendes Sofa

Jean Pierre & Peiki, HBM

Hard Bench (HBM, HTT)

Fun Skating,but cold (Hbm)

Bench in the woods.

Bank mit Brücke

HBM from Bamburgh

Sonnige Plätze mit Schlossblick ... HBM !

In The Snow ♥


A bench.

First bench picture for the new year... HBM

Central Station, Sydney (HBM)

Banc suédois / Swedish bench

Diese Bank ist leider besetzt

Penedos, HBM

Bench & Buddha

Hot Green House in Venice