Help Saving Ipernity

By LutzP club
07 Feb 2016 - 1 comment - 490 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

Dear Ipernity friends,

I’m sure you all have seen the Team Ipernity Blog entry “Uptime 3535” ( which told us, that Ipernity is heading for an uncertain future due to funding reasons. Therefore Valfal, Sami Serola and I have established a contest group to support Ipernity by sponsoring Club Memberships and thus improving Ipernity’s revenue base. We know, that this is only a drop in an ocean, however, it might be an encouraging signal and wide acceptance within the community may have a positive effect. Team Ipernity has already recognized the effort with kind words in the discussion thread. You will find the group here: The group set-up will be similar to the CWP group with a few significant differences:

- Only non-clubbers can participate in the contest and win a Club Membership
- Only sponsors can vote
- The sponsor of the monthly contest selects the theme

The detailed rules are (will be) posted in the discussion section of the group.
The group will not be in competition with the CWP group, since purpose and clientele are very different, although non clubbers may be members of both groups. The first contest is planned for March.

If you are currently not a member of the Club, but want to become one by winning a monthly contest, please join the group. If you want to support Ipernity and the objectives of this group as a sponsor for a one year Club Membership, please join and identify yourself as a sponsor in the group discussion (List of sponsors).
If you don’t want to join but are in favor of the effort please spread the word and inform your friends and contacts. Your help is much appreciated.
With thanks and kind regards


PS: I hope posting this is not considered inappropriate, if so please delete it and I apologize.
 Steve Bucknell
Steve Bucknell club
A worthy ( and fun) idea.
8 years ago.

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