Group: New Flickr Survivors

Well, well, well...

By slgwv club
16 Jan 2014 - 2 comments - 821 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

Marissa's #2 is out.
Looks like the New! Awesome! business model isn't working so well after all. Ad revenues are down, and the imminent 4th quarter report is expected to show more of the same.
Wonder if Henrique is the just the first fall guy as Marissa looks to shift the blame for Yahoo's underperformance? The article noted she's coming up on her second anniversary, and presumably investors' and board members' patience is not infinite.
slgwv club
As I've commented, the only thing that might have a chance of rolling back Flickr's new "awesomeness" is the bottom line, and ad revenues "below expectations" are going to be one incentive. It's also going to put pressure on Marissa to rethink at least some some of her changes. As it is, investors and board members are going to start to realize that all she's done so far is increase the burn rate even as revenues continue to dwindle.
10 years ago.
slgwv club
I suspect that lots of those who've stayed with Flickr are not nearly as active as they used to be, because the site is now so cumbersome. That also doesn't bode well for the ad revenues, even if the members haven't actually left. It's also possible that people have left, but went somewhere other than Ipernity.
10 years ago. Edited 10 years ago.

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