Group: The Wall

Byblos (Libanon)

HWW Cordoba Andalucia Spain 11th November 2023

Ruinen von Baalbek (Libanon) II

Reproduction of Banksy's work.

Lonely Sentinel (HWW)

altes Gemäuer

Wednesday Wall

Les murs ont des oreilles / Wall's ears

Village des Bories

Just Park Next to the Wall, It'll Be OK (HWW)

Mercedes en feu

Pause sur un banc à l'ombre

Old Bristol Wall

balade à THOUARS Deux Sèvres

Glockenturm der St. Dionysius Kirche, Debstedt


Apple auto glass

Garage.....a simple title that has inspired Maria…

Awazi 6-09

Street art on walled door.

Aladdin Café 1 (fermé)

Das Tor zur Festung

Murs d'enceintes

Gespräch unter Nachbarn

Another Dull Fence Day

HWW - Shadow on the Wall (PiP)

Arriving to Mértola, HWW