Group: Vicenza Weekend 15-17 June 2018

Programme and such ...

By Shi*
28 May 2018 - 1 comment - 135 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

I will be travelling to Vicenza on Thursday 14th June, flying to Treviso and then on by train. I arrive in the evening and will be staying at the Antico Hotel, Stradella Dei Nodari n_ 5 - 36100 Vicenza, which is fairly central. Let me know where you are staying. Email me at or message me using FB Messenger if you use that. Mobile number is +447828 502440 for emergency use.
Friday 15th, I intend to go to Villa La Rotunda and spend some time there. It is such an influential building in western architecture. I think most people will arrive Friday evening but let me know if you are around on Friday day. I suggest we meet up on Friday evening at Terazza della Basilica, Piazza del Signori at about 7pm - let me know if you intend to meet up then.
Saturday 16th I suggest we meet at the same location and make a leisurely tour of the town - lots of great photo opportunities! Catch up with each other, drink coffee, beer, water even and enjoy the place.
Sunday 17th I would like to go to Venice - easy to do by train from Vicenza. I have not been there before so I am open to ideas from those who have.
I return to the UK on Monday 18th.

Please let me have any thoughts, contact details, timings etc in this discussion. Events over here have taken up my time this last couple of months so I am rather late posting this, my apologies.
Cool. There is quite a lot to see in Vicenza. Should be a great weekend! See you soon.
5 years ago.

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